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Reviews for "Adventures With Anxiety!"

Ok, wow, holy f--k. (for legal reasons I bleeped fork)
Specifically the unloved and being a bad person? Oof that hit hard, huh?

Ok 1, the art. The double pupil affect used on the wolf really helped in the aspect of showing the anxiety in the wolf itself. As well as the block coloring and linelessness mixed with heavy lining made a beautiful and striking picture. The choice to omit all colors except one (the anxiety color) which every character had somewhere (noticed that, very cool), was an amazing one.

2, the humor. I'm not a person who laughs aloud often, and I didn't laugh aloud, but because the realization of understanding from each joke was just flooding me. Also, the animation of the wolf or over exaggerated facial features? Always funny. I didn't realize until I read the Author comments that you were the same people that made :the game:, a game I love and did manage to make me laugh aloud, along with the Coming Out Simulator, which still had a witty charm to it.

3, the message. Holy Hell. When I started the game, as I waited for the game to load I read the comments, and I was impressed by the extremely positive reviews. I only saw positive things all the way to page FOUR. So that hyped me up of course. And when it started I was even more curious because of the whimsical style. It didn't seem like something to make people cry as some of the comments suggested. Boy was I wrong. Even further, the ability to choose what pertains most to your anxiety with 2/3 of the options being things that I actually worry about is incredible. And at the very end being able to talk out your (anxiety's) fears? It was perfect. Along with the choice to just respond with "thank you" as well. It was smart to allow you to talk from both sides, and helps it be more personal.

All in all, 10/10 much recommend. And I'm absolutely making fanart??

Wow, this was, something else...

Maybe no one will read this (hey maybe that's my inner rat bitting me in the toe!) but this describes a daily basis of what it feels like to live with this, it's not to fight the pain but live with it.

I really don't know what to type in the 12,010 characters I've got left, but this was an amazing experience that opened my eyes, the lecture in the "Mental Health Tips & Resources" was extremely informational and fun!.

All I can do is recommend this to whoever is dealing with something similar, if you've got a friend or a family member or someone you know, show them this, and make sure they get the happy ending (don't walk through them, it just seems like the better one)

Maybe my words don't have much power but they might help someone, which is what matters

(My native language is not english, I've been speaking it since I was smöl, I still suck at it, please forgive my typos)

(jokes aside, this game hit hard for me, wow - love it)

I realized that when you replay the game you have a comedic section, then the story continues. Amazing

epic ost , good game