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Reviews for "Real American Zeros"


I'd have to agree, this movie gets five from me too! Bush sucks, and he's just wasting our money, killing our soldiers, and forcing us into war with the world. And killing our ties with what were our friends.

Kick his ass out of office!
- Silence.

ill movie, it captured his very essence. That fuckin' loser.

AkhkharuZI responds:

This is going to be a series
The next one will have more original animation, and less still-frame pictures. I did the last one as sort of a test. Next up: real american heros: lawyers


Good job. This was great because it's true! Ignore all those people who criticize this, they're just Bush asslickers. Let's face it, Bush is a moron, Chaney is pullin the strings. He didn't even truly get elected. And for all you pre-puberty wanksters who threaten to kill anonomous people (like the guy who wrote this reveiw before me) how about you do us all a favor and kill yourself ya sad peice of shit. Take a few family members with ya too, what we do need is less imbreeding in this world. This was great, those who disagree can suck my cock!

Definiition of Beauty

More people need to see reality like you show. They need to remove the conservitive/republican blinders off their eyes and wake up. With Bush's minority election our utiliarian system died. Thank you for standing up to this bull shit! Beautiful! Keep up the good work!

PS: Screw the Basebal Hall of Fame

so true so great so accurate so brilliant

if that wasnt wat u were thinkin this whole time u havent been thinkin right but u know wat really cracks me up its these moron bush supporters coming in 2 these kinda things like ur a fucking moron the bush 1 and going off at ya 4 it i mean 4 som1 2 make all that effort 4 that its not an insult anymore its motivation
after sayin that congrads on the clip its fucking brilliant well done


One of the best animations i've seen in a long time made even better because it's true, do another one soon