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Reviews for "missed messages."

Genuinely loved this. Both tragic and sweet and oddly delicate. Very well done, the artwork was stunning.

Seeing May's smile, even just an illustration was so heartwarming...

It's so common that it has become the thing that has the fastest transitions from unknown to known to shamed for and to be degrading, both from the perspective of others and onto oneself.

We've often forget what purpose is, when everything is brought directly to our walking distance, nothing we truly need to strive for (most times we don't even have that satisfaction guarantee and avoid it entirely).

There was a saying that I never really understood... "Make your life about caring for others, and the meaning will come naturally".. or "Motivation is not what gets you to start, you do that on your accordance, and then motivation comes in various ways."

They both felt tied together, as if I'm trying to be poetic and say "What motivates me is the smile on your face, that I, even as small as I am, could make you happier"... But they don't struck as hard as the real deal, the things that are done but not said.. it really does matter.

The thing I'm getting on here is that we should not get too comfortable in our convenience, because it literally swallows and kills you but not until it's so unbearably insufferable.. and we will suffer a lot. That is the price of convenience.. it's convenient to not talk to anyone, get along your own way to work, get along your way to ordering food, and don't care what anyone out there is about..

But understand that as humans we are naturally greedy, but we are also the most empathetic creatures on this planet, we care not only to make others feel good, but to make US feel good.

Do less harm with your actions, the words do take a toll when it's repeated and aimed to degrade others, at least make it seem ironic rather than a total smack down. It's not survival of the fittest anymore, we exist for a very long time this way, and we've grown in leaps and bounds when we stick to our roots, coexisting peacefully, working together to achieve ridiculous goals... that is who we are. That we shall never let it be gutted away.

This world we live in, we molded and manipulated its landscapes for our own conveniences, but we should also be wary of that increasing toll on us as humans, we didn't evolve fast enough as our instruments and technologies did.

But we're smart enough to acknowledge and talk about it, through these we struggle, but also make great inventions and travel tremendous distances in shorter and shorter spans of time.

We should remember what makes you, me and US truly great; our diversity, not of ethics but of individual personalities, working together.. whether coherent or in discourse but on the path, to further develop humankind into better informed, knowledgeable and amazing individuals to maintain and improve our societies.


Game Critic:
Gameplay/UI: Very similar to any other point n click, personally I would add a slight outline on the objects you pan your pointer and can Click on. But it's a small nitpicking issue. I do however loved the macbook part, but i find that you can't close the windows when you click on the red button, again just nitpicking but it was entertaining, especially choosing songs.

Story: 10/10, although some of the lines does and will be cringe in the next few months or so, but I do love it for its slightly geeky and cute aspects, I would definitely invite more of it.

Music: 10/10, paired with the variety of backgrounds make for great atmosphere and emotional emphasis. Would even get these lo-fi music on repeat as I carry on with mundane tasks.

Artwork: Kinda has that doki-doki literature club feel to it, but with more fluffiness and more amazingly drawn scenes, even in some where it's simplistic, it gives me a sense of intense focus as if that were what the characters felt like (whether it was the intent of the design or not)... as well as the subtle things that aren't noticed until second glance, that's how you know you did well. IGN rated 10/10

Character Arcs: Not sure about this one, there seems to be leaps in time and not much is explained, but I don't think it was focused upon for the game, nonetheless it was okay to read into what they say in the ending scenes.

Overall: Very satisfied and hope to see much more, fantastic work :)

I'm not into point 'n click adventures, but this was great. I especially love how realistic it is. Well, I couldn't get out of my own room. I might mean that literally. Everything just looks so sweet and fluffy. The music's great too.

It appears to be a very relaxing game. Yeah, a computer within a computer! I like meta stuff. I can always appreciate a game for how it looks. It's so subtle.

Beautiful game. The drawings are amazing and the sentiment behind it is genuinely touching. Sometimes we don't know why we are sad, and it's terrifying. great job.

As someone who had depression this game has touched me. To anyone who reads this I hope you are ok because you are beautiful and you matter.