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Reviews for "Overdose(demo)"


I like it... it is catchy, but it's a bit repetitive. I do like the vocals and the octaves, but you could develop it a little more (I do like the dissonance you add)

a few questions

1. What program do you use
2. where did you get the vocals
3. will you review my other mp3 stuff? (Anything in '07)

Dj-Final responds:

yea i realize that its a bit repetative. its not done yet, im having some trouble finishing it, cuz i cant think of anything at the moment.
1. I use Fruityloops.
2. The Vocals were made with the speech thing inside FL.
3. Yes i will review your other music :p.
Thanks for the review man!

Pretty cool so far

I like your octave riffs, and it seems to loop around pretty nicely right now, so I can listen to this for a good while methinks. :)

In Shock!

The second i heard, the echoing vocal sample at the start, i was hooked, it was incredible. I would love vocal samples like this, i would have used one in Whiteroom.

The bass is amazing too, i love the octaves you chose for it.

I'd actually love to do a remix when you finish. :)

Excellent track mate. :)

Dj-Final responds:

haha thanks! i really appreciate that you enjoyed this, im workin on finishing but it may not be done for a while because of work and such. But when it is done i will inform you and you can remix away! I'll be looking forward to hearing it. Thanks for the review.

Ma' tracks suck huh?

Seriously man' don't come an' talk shit bout me, ya only got 2 tracks up, dis 1 is just loopin basically I kno is a demo so w/e, nutin much else 2 say. Now hope u overdose from suckin those dicks, 5d it:Thanks for your vote, Broken-Needle! You voted 5 for Overdose(demo), raising its score from 3.25 to 3.60.
BN out

Dj-Final responds:

sorry man, i'll definatly pay attention to your page and leave you some good reviews on shit. i was being a dick that day. but your friend Humpers is a dumb bitch and will get no props from me. just cuz hes a bitch and started crying. you handled that shit well.. like a real artist, i respect that. i apologize for bein a cockblock.


The song was very cool. No distortion at all. Nice claps, I like those. Cool bass lines, love 'em! cool. Awesome bass lines, very catchy. Overall, pretty cool. Check out my song 'Dance to the beat'. thanks.

Dj-Final responds:

haha thanks, maybe i'll finish it and make somemore songs. i'll be sure to check that song out.