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Reviews for "Black vs Blue 3 Part 1"

that was somewhat interesting

ok i read at like 255 words per minute and i couldn't even keep up with that text. Slow it down fix the graphics and movements, make the movements more fluid and slightly faster and this would be a pretty damn goo dlooking movie, unfortunately I think the story was pointless...

Blue guy: DIE BLACK!!!
Black guy: Why are we fighting?
Blue guy: uh...hmmm...DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR SOME REASON!!!!!!!!!1


I tend to enjoy any movie that involves stickmen. I'll be here to watch the next one that comes along.

You're improving....

i watched and reviewed the 1st one of these animations a while back and just stumbled across 2 and 3, and I must say you are improving.

I think it may have or may even not have been pointed out about the dialoge at the top of the screen, it kinda changed a bit too quick so i couldn't really get into the plot i'm guessing is starting in this one. One suggestion is to slow that down a little.

Another problem i have with this, being a 56ker, was the file size. I'm puzzled as to why it's so big as the content of the animation isn't wnough for sure to make a file of that size. So i was wondering what format you imported the music into flash with, if u imported the music in mp3 format, get rid of it and import it as .WAV, it will greatly lower the size....if that's the reason for it.

Anyways, good job and hope to see more!

OmegaIce responds:

Thanks, and yes i know i am, I'm sorry about the size of the movie, im going to try and decresse that as much as i can seeing how the music was from a .mp3 but compressed to 110kb a second, and thats why its so big, in part 2 of 3 I will compresse everything to its limeted so it dont sound like shit, but what can i say... you will enjoy part 2 of 3 i know every one will, it will have some stuff that i put in for the fun of it, and some cool fighiting scenes and planet enialation Scene, and dont think im going to stop once Black vs Blue 3 i completely over, i'm then going to make Behind the scenes of Black vs Blue, and if i can get the scripting, where you can actually take on Black or Blue and effeate his allies with the supplys on da way

Pretty good!!

Needs a few improvements, but overall I quite like it, especially the music. I like what I see and can't wait to see more.

OmegaIce responds:

Thanks, i have been working on other project and i decided to work on this but then crap but, yay!


Man thats so good, better then any of them!!!