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Reviews for "The Vet"

Nicely done.

Freakin' funny as usual. The conversational delivery is fitting and the timing is impeccable.

... every five god damn seconds. Sounds like my mom's chihuahua. If I remember right, they like, left one ball in or something when they fixed him. Claim they can't take the other one off or whatevz becuase he's TOO OLD. I dunno. KILL. ME.
omg sonic the hedghog cat. OMG. wayy too funny. reminds me of my cat before she figured out we weren't trying to boil her for dinner every night.
Oh yeah, Goldens are Awesome. Except for the Diarrhea. ;O

Finally, a guy who knows how to draw a dog!

You never fail to amuse me! I didn't go in when my cat was neutered. Wait. I've had two cats and both of them were neutered before I got them. That really was an experience. Do cats and dogs really have that much of a rivalry?

You should be glad they got along at all. Why is it called getting your pet fixed when afterwards it won't work anymore? Yeah, that's a common joke. I do still wonder it. It was gross, but I'm glad you included that scar picture.