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Reviews for "SMOSH MOSH"

Uhmmm...I have so many questions...

The animation looks wonderful and by the looks of it the subject matter will be for adults. I am a-okay with this.

Can't wait to see more.

Keep at it,

looking forward to more

thought it looked incredible then i saw kickstarter and 0 star'd this. Stop it. You dont ask for money BEFORE you deliver, you get money AFTER if your product is good. The art and animation is great, but what if the voice acting is terrible? what if the storyline is terrible? Its not fair to ask for money for unfinished products. You dont see painters making half a painting and telling people "well i'll paint the sky in, if i get enough money" its ridiculous and the entire practice needs to end.

EDIT: 4/11/21 Its been a few years and looking back, I'm really sorry about that comment. I understand how hard it can be out there as a creator. Seeing this now, with the bright colors and wackiness, it reminds me of rick and morty. You know, I think a lot of my anger that I took out in that comment was because I saw such a shift in gaming, and media in general. The rise of kickstarter and indie games having an easy method of publishing through things like steam, meant that something you could find on a site like newgrounds for free, now cost money. As a kid who grew up poor and not able to afford games many times, I always relied on sites like this. I saw the quality of games on newgrounds and other sites just dwindle away. And on one side I think its great, hey those guys work hard they need to get paid to survive too right? But then I think of all those kids who, like me as a kid, maybe cant afford to buy games. They are stuck playing these terrible pay to win mobile games lol. Good truly free games and media are hard to find, and for good reason, but honestly I feel like those starving artists back then put just as much work into their projects and released it without the idea that any money would come of it, they released it because it was their art and they wanted to share it. I feel like that spirit has died a little and now the attitude is "if you want content, donate to my patreon, kickstarter, gofundme, etc. Or you get games that are stuck in early access never to release. Some of these things would have been released for free back in the day. I honestly feel like this is a good trailer but I feel like to get the attention you would have needed to fund this, you would have had to create a full first episode.

Edit 6/14/ 2021
I have reread my post and well...at first I felt a little bad, that it was maybe harsh so I followed up and apologized...then I looked deeper and realized you're still promising people an episode on kickstarter all this time later while taking donations and giving updates, and i was like yeah..no I dont take it back at all, in fact i should blast you even harder for it.

JaninaPutzker responds:

well, we tried to get money thru other sources but no one gives money unless it's kids content =/
Most of the products on kickstarter are not made yet that's why they need money lol - and very often the products people get afterwards are not as it was described - that's always the risk with kickstarter - but please, if you have any ideas how to finance this any other way let me know - because we really tried a lot. We made the teaser for free with the little resources we had back then but we also have to support ourselves...

Kinda gives me ME!ME!ME! vibes