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Reviews for "School : Foamy The Squirrel"

Foamy, you have a great point. The education system is heavily flawed, due to its shortcomings and mismanagement. Not every child is gifted, actually moreso the opposite. The thing about that, is that schools will likely highly capable students the slip by thinking of them as mentally deficent for not working exactly like told, and not at a lightning-fast pace. Students who repeat what they're told get all the benefits and are treated like honor students, despite how just imitating what your teacher tells you does not indicate your actual level of intelligence. I would know of this dilemna, because I experienced it. Being a student with a learning disability (dyscalculia) really made my teachers believe that I was some massive ignoranimus, so I was given bad grades for not understanding material despite only needing more time to. And it doesn't help how many teachers actually only have a cursory understanding of the content they are providing, so you shouldn't expect equality, either in the validity of what you are being taught, and how often a given teacher can actually clarify the subject. It says a lot how I found much more understandable, relatable, and kind staff and students in the autism class rather than any normal ones. The moral of the story is: the few should definitely be favored over the many, as you insisted, and schools should do a better job keeping students up to speed with material that is acutally relevant not only to the subject presented, but applicable to the workplace, and this is coming from one who actually enjoyed school on a theoretic level.

Particularly a lot of children need to be left behind, and many need to be removed from the school systems entirely. It's not the politically correct thing to say but it is the correct thing to say.

If you remove all the bullies from the schools and all the idiots who didn't want to learn anyway, you are left with only those who want to learn, and can then have smaller classrooms and focus more resources on the ones who were more likely to take school seriously anyway.

Because when you have an idiot bully in the classroom (and this was almost always the combo) not only do they disrupt the learning environment for everybody else as well as make the classroom a dangerous place to be, they also don't even learn anything themselves, nor do they wish to be there. Remove them from the schools and you make everyone happier, the other kids, as well as the bully who didn't even want to be there and wasn't learning anything anyway.

That was totally me back in the second and third grades. I was then labelled ADD by my teacher and my doctor when I was 8 and had to take pills to devolve myself to the level of the knuckle dragging neanderthals I was forcing myself to associate with. Thanks a lot. Everything Foamy says is completely true.


Hell yeah keep up the awesome rants! And show more germaine boobies! XD