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Reviews for "chunkydog's "dentist""

Oh man...

WHY did you have to make a STICK-movie??? God.. if this wasn't stick it would have had maybe 4.00/5.00 and not 2.54... Ugh... Everything rocked (except stick ofcourse) so... 3/5

chunkydog responds:

im lost. if it was any other animation it would have been much harder to draw and longer. hence the title of my movie chunkydog "QUICKIES". or i could go old school like your claymation movies....nah ill stick to my own style, thank you.


you have talent but pleaze...
the trash of NG :/

chunkydog responds:

hey heres an idea. make a movie and see how hard it is to do realy animation. stick are easy and fun to do. but seriously c'mon man make a movie if there so "trashy", im serious lets see what you can do.

that was great

i really like's cyrax =D

this is awesome

this is really good, what can i say to please you people out there but it's good. ok


well done!! 4/5

i found (last nite by coincidence) this very old newspaper cartoon strip (by Trace Hodgson :)_*LUV it!*

One morning i woke up with a SORE tooth!
So i went to the dentist who said "This looks serious. i think you should see a doctor.."
So i went to see this doctor who said "This looks very serious. i think you should see a specialist.."
So i went to the specialist who said "It's extremely serious! You require an urgent operation. Are you medically insured?" "..Nope!"
"Oh dear, i'm afraid it's rather expensive, but must be done"
Fortunately i was out cold for the whole operation but apparently a famous surgeon was called in to do the honours.. DOCTOR: "..THIS 1 EGOR!"
The operation was a sucess but very painful once the anaesthetic wore off.. I had to sell a few things to pay the bills (like my house) but i'm not complaining... NOW i'm just a Hobo "..and when the wind blows from the South and i smile into the breeze, the hole where my tooth once was whistles a little tune about something missing.."

chunkydog responds:

haha. thanks for the good review AND the good joke.