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Reviews for "Optimal Route"

Well this was an interesting little game here t gets really repetitive after a bit but that makes sense with the type of game you have here, time pressure to click previously memorized places is simply not the best way to go about it, but still makes sense a fun game though regardless


Pretty easy to get all golds, but if anyone needs help for one, I've made a guide.
I generally like cumulative totals because it's fun to increment them slowly over multiple levels, but since these are all so similar, I didn't find it very fun.

Thought this would get dull after a few levels but time flew by, and there are still a couple that seem to be a slightly different method of thinking that I have not cracked! On that note, a walkthrough would be great!

The concept quite interesting, but there are some problems:

1. It gets really repetitive after a while.
2. Timer doesn't fit the game style and isn't engaging in any way. I understand you wanted a scoring method, but time pressure to click previously memorized places is simply not fun and not puzzle-like either.
3. It doesn't look good. I don't mind minimalist or retro-like styles, but from the distinct font sizes in the menu (Part n° vs. Score) to Rules' background parchment which doesn't fit with the general theme, I feel like there could have been better stylistic choices.

All in all, it is a good game, and it had me entertained.

Oh, and apparently the Silver Cup medal isn't working.

blairox responds:

Hi Chompo, and thanks for your feedback.

1. Yes, I agree it is a bit too long in its current form. If I do a remake, I will probably delete some levels from part 2, and add other challenges (2 broken roads, or tunnels, or not-square maps).

2. I understand your point. The way I see it: adding a timer was a way to introduce a little reflexe speed game into the game to get the last achievement. I know some people do not like it, but I think it is not necessary for everyone to get all the achievements or to run after the score. It's just an extra feature. Maybe I should add an option to toggle it off, I'll think about it.

3. Yes, you're right: it looks bad (partly because we were 2 working on the project, with different tastes and too much respect for each other's choices). I will put more enphasis on the general aspect for the reboot.

4. You have a silver cup medal problem ? If you don't mind, could you please send me screenshots of your scores for level 2 ? I'll have a look.

Thank you again for your help.

When I started playing it, I thought "I don't think I can have all the medals, let's at least try to get ONE, or TWO". Hour and half later, I have them all. At first I thought, too many levels. And yet, I didn't notice when I was done. One thing, though. In order to get the last medal, you actually need to have more than 24444, as I literally had this exact score, and I had to beat faster some level to finally get it. Let me tell you something: you know how to make a game that looks exhausting, but actually isn't.