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Reviews for "HEL VS HELL"

Game maker is that you?

Cyoses responds:

If your asking if this was made in game maker, no it was not. If you meant something else, I'm sorry I misunderstood you. Feel free to contact me and I'll be happy to answer your questions!

~ Cyoses

The game has some problems:
- in world three with the guy who looks like he's throwing swords, he kept backing up and I'm pretty sure he backed up so much he went through the locked gate and disappeared so now I'm stuck, unable to unlock the gate.
- You don't explain what the "weapons" do. I'm guessing the spear looking one make your bullet go straight instead of arching and the sword one just increases damage. You should explain this because the sword one isn't easy to figure out. Also, I'm not able to drop them or heal myself while I'm holding them.
- I ended up with over 1000 ammo so maybe reset the amount after heading to the next area.

For suggestions,
- Add a reset level button
- Even if the controls are explained in game, it couldn't hurt to explain them in the description.
- Maybe make the enemies shoot in patterns or make enemies that float so they shoot in star patterns. Just having enemies that spawn fire that moves toward you is kind of boring.
- Maybe give the player a jetpack that runs on the ammo later in the game so that they can attack enemies in the air (in those parts, maybe have it so you can gather more ammo by pressing down in front of station that you have turned blue, but they need to recharge overtime).
- Maybe add other weapons like actual swords and spears where you can ram enemies and red stations. Other ideas for weapons.
-- Weapon that shoots bigger ice to hit things easier
-- Machine gun, rapid fire
-- Ice that can be aimed as if you were throwing it or aiming a gun

I did enjoy playing the game. I wish you luck in your future creations.

Cyoses responds:

I'm really glad you enjoyed the game and played through it so extensively!\

As for the fight you got stuck in I'm afraid that's a bug I've never seen before, I'm really not sure what happened, and I'm really sorry that happened to you. The weapons really weren't implemented as well as I had hoped. I completely agree that more explanation was needed, although you got both the names and abilities correct. Your 1000+ ammo is a bit of an anomaly, I've had quite a few players who find them selves running low so I'm not sure how it could be better handled. Some sort of balancing mechanic that only comes into effect 500+ or so might work.

As for your suggestions, a reset button would be great, allowing player to reset if they have a problem is something I'll definitely start implementing. Putting the controls in the description is something I can definitely do, I didn't really see a point but it wouldn't hurt anyone to have them there.

For all your other suggestions, they're great! I feel like more weapons, tools, or enemies would have made the game a lot more fun. I'll keep that in mind when designing my next games!

Thank you for all your feedback,
~ Cyoses

It was okay. I might play a game like this again. I just found myself getting bored too quickly. There was no music. I've seen some fantastic pixel art, and I feel like this pixel art style is not that great. The enemies were very simplistic, and at first, I couldn't really tell they were enemies. Also, I feel like the game is missing a back story. Otherwise, the game has good controls. I liked playing for a bit of time. It also has the unique characteristic of using points as both your ammo and health regeneration. Not bad, but it would need to be developed more to be really fun.

Cyoses responds:

Thanks for giving it a try! Art and sound are things I have very little experience with, so I am working hard to get better. I'm glad you liked the point system, and I'll do better to polish my games in the future.


Movement speed needs to be a tad higher considering all the running and gunning you have to do but other than that, the pacing is nice and the layout of the Worlds are decent enough.

Cyoses responds:

Thank you for taking the time to play my game! I'm really glad you liked the game for the most part and I will do better to make the movement speed better in the future!

~ Cyoses

That is awesome! A little too slow , but really enjoyable. Good Job!

Cyoses responds:

Thank you so much for playing! I'm really glad you enjoyed it! As for too slow, character controls are something I'm still struggling to get down, and will be sure to spend more time on in the future!

Thanks for playing,