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Reviews for "The Epic Gang"

Please do give the option to remap controls or fix the horrible placement of the action buttons. That alone is turning an excellent game into a nightmare.

DarkenSoft responds:

You can customize the controls in the Title Page. It's placed at the top right corner.

The browser could not allocate enough memory for the WebGL content. If you are the developer of this content, try allocating less memory to your WebGL build in the WebGL player settings. (firefox)

overall, the game's combat is pretty terrible. I can only attack in two directions, the enemies have no knockback frames, meaning they can easily wail on me as I wail on them, resulting in me taking way too much damage from a single enemy, and they have next to no indication of an attack, making dodging worthless (or more worthless, since, like attacking, you can only dodge in two directions), and because your attack is so slow, you end up taking tons of pointless damage because in order to avoid damage, you have to dodge in advance, which cancels your attack before the enemy can be hurt. also the overall controls are incredibly badly integrated. customized controls should affect everything, including the menus, and the default controls suck, not to mention how it has so much emphasis on a gamepad, when in reality more people will be playing with the keyboard, and it's not like they said it was built for the gamepad. also it looks as though the text and dialogue was made after going through google translate in 6 different languages. I think the game COULD be decent, but you need to get the basics fixed before anyone can have fun with it.

This game is not good at all. I played it for a good five minutes and I already hate it.
~Even if you change controls to your own custom controls, you still need to use the default controls for skipping cutscenes, continuing dialogue in cutscenes, and using the pause menu. Plus the tutorial still has default controls set up so it doesn't actually teach you much
~When you attack, you become stuck in an attack animation, meaning that enemies can wail on you from all directions while you can only fight them one side at a time
~There's no 3-D movement when it comes to attacking, just left and right so you kinda have to take some damage to be able to do anything since the AI have perfect hitbox detection while I had to make sure I was well-aligned or the AI would just step out of my attack radius.
~The two previous points make for a very clunky and difficult fighting mechanic, making the main idea of the game (battles) a chore.
~Flasks shouldn't be allowed to be used if your player doesn't need them. I kept forgetting the default keys and would waste flasks like crazy trying to find certain buttons
~That brings me to my next point: the default key setup is SUPER annoying. it's way too spread out and inconvenient, allowing enemies and traps to damage you while you try to reach for the correct keys
~Speaking of which, this game's reminders on how to interact with things (along with all the other reminders) favors people using the 360 gamepad by having the gampad's control icons larger and before the keyboard controls, which are much less noticeable. It's really bothersome because I honestly doubt most people are using the gamepad, so why make all those controls more noticeable? if anything, it should adapt (or have an option to change what's shown) based on what I'm using to play so I don't have to see both controls.

Overall, the game is just very hard to maneuver in and it isn't nearly as immersive as it could be.