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Reviews for "Virtual Journalist"

New idea

good gfx
a tad boring though
keep it up

It's a good flash, but...

You're just as bad as the media you're bashing. People in your reviews are crying out "F THE GOVERNMENT, THEY'RE CENSORING US!!!!" It's not the government doing it. There have been no laws that censor the media, the only censorship has been self censorship, which is human nature. Having the paper's being censored because it might make the corporation look bad is better than the government doing it, because anything that makes the government look bad will get censored.

I also found your section claiming that anything about the president gets censored. In my experience, the president (no matter who's in office- republican or democrat) gets absolutely RAPED by the media. The whole marshmellow thing would get blown all over the newspapers, not get covered up.

While a good video, it's every bit as biased and censored as the media you're bashing. A privatized media is much better than a government run one.

it's true

To the idiot, poe, who obviously doens't know a damned thing about politics, doesn't understand that the media IS censored, and not by "human nature"..that is the most ridiculous statement i had ever heard...on the contrary, the media GLORIFIES violence, sex, etc. and THAT is human nature. As for the corporations owning the media, it is already so. This is NOT good, because you now have the media being controled by super rich eltists, who only put forth what THEY want you to see, thus ruining democracies ideals of a "free media"...atleast when you have a government regulated media, the MIDDLE man can have more say in what is put forward instead of super rich corporate capitalists, who's only gain is to protect their own interests and not provide a society with sound, objective issues. As mussollini once quoted "new aged fascism should be properly called corporatism, since it is the merging of state, corporation and military"...america, anyone?

The game is all about the evils of the media and how they report news. IF you want to help spread your message you should improve the graphics, and try to make this game more exciting.


It was really funny at first, but then you started standing on a soap box and politicizing everything at the very end. Not consistant enough to be worth much, sorry.