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Reviews for "Riddle Transfer 2"

Okay. So i didn't cry at the happy ending of Phil. I cried because i finally seen the game i played growing up as a kid since elementary school get the ending it deserved. This was an amazing ending to an amazing series. Thank you JonBro for the whole series and all the puns you gave us. Also thank you for teaching us how to escape school! (and possibly escape aliens and a government facility if we ever need to)

i play this game when i'm still in 3rd or 4th grade & now, i graduate junior high school & this is the best game that i ever play + phil get the ending he deserve :)

Damn it! You made me cry! I don't cry! Not often anyways... That's besides the point! I played these games when I was SIX for crying out loud! I loved the previous games, mostly because they made me feel smart, or it was just funny, but again, not the point. The point is, I'm 14 now! An 8 year gap! Not only does that suck, but it's amazing! Not once in my life in those 8 years would someone have the ability to ask me if I know what Riddle School was and not get a yes! I fell in love with these games, and I never had an account on Newgrounds since a few minutes ago! That's right. I never got one until I decided; "I need to rate and comment on this. This. This is too amazing!" I've always died for Smiley and Phil, so the ending dialog from Phil to her squeezed my heart, I won't lie, but maybe that's just me? I just can't describe the feelings I have for this series! I myself loved the ending, and wouldn't change it for the world. That's the truth. I don't know if I'll play any more if you make new ones, since I just feel like this perfect ending should be left alone. I'm not saying I expect you to make more, but since you seemed somewhat uncertain in the special features, I feel like I have to point this out so I don't come off as... let us say... rude... But honestly, for as short as it is, I would buy this if it wasn't a free flash game, I really would. I just want to say, and I think everyone wants to say this; Thank you for making these games. For all the time, effort, thought, and love, we have to thank you! I wanna cry as I write this still... I blame you and your ending!

Damn, this was an absolute masterpiece of an ending. I had previously played some of your Riddle School games without thought when I was younger over the years, but I had recently started watching Jacksepticeye's various playthrough of the series, and I realized how much life you gave this great series as time went on. Just when the random craziness reached an annoyingly high level you decided to put an "end" to the story, but funny enough, the games after that gave the story some real meaning. The puzzles here are original, tricky, and fun to solve. I have no idea how the quiz part worked, but I somehow guessed it all right the first time. Whether you meant to end it in the first place or not, this game's ending is miles ahead of the one you had in Riddle School 4. Thanks for giving this such a great ending, I can't wait to see Jack's reaction to the credits.

I played Riddle School when I was younger, mind you it wasn't a huge impact on my life but it was a nice fun little puzzle game I played to pass the time while I was in high school and at home. Despite that I really enjoyed the series of games as was rather saddened when its finalewas cancelled.

And then you decided to bring the finale for the 10 year annivesary. Made me feel a burst of nostalgia for the series given that I'm a lot older now and I played the game when I was 14 and still in highschool, where does the time go? Anyhow, this was an great finale to a fun series explaining Quiz's purpose in the story and exposing Diz for the evil **** that he is, until I heard that credits song....

Man, I don't think I've shed tears over a flash game before but damn this really hit me. I know a lot of people think flash games are just things you play to waste time in school but man this was so much more. It goes to show that no matter the medium you choose to express your creativity, that it will have an impact on someone if you put your heart and soul into it.

Thank you so much JonBro for making this tear inducing finale, I wish you the best in your future endeavors and also for Phil and Smiley ;)