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Reviews for "MORSE"

Incredible. This game is not only fun, but it is an incredible teaching tool for Morse Code. I taught myself Code over a span of a day using this game alone - I've never seen anything like this... very fun in itself.

For the future, develop more in-depth gameplay, involving some sort of a tiered level system, or perhaps just slow the game down. I felt that once you had around three rows unlocked, the game ended very quickly. Would love to eventually see some reward for sinking/shooting enemy ships/planes/soldiers, and punishment for sinking/shooting your own.

All in all, simple and very unique. I'm going to follow this one, I have a feeling it's going to become the next great thing.

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Pretty cool concept, but it's a bit weird. I can't seem to get the coordinates changed properly. Feel like I'm missing something there. Great atmosphere and sound though!

I feel like 2d also isn't the best for this, or perhaps there should be more than one row. Doesn't seem to have a lose condition either. Looks promising though, keep working on it!

AlexVsCoding responds:

Hey Opus!

The game begins with one row, and as you get soldiers across no mans land the number of rows increase. On the flip side of that for the lose state, if 10 enemies make it across no mans land without you sending one back, you lose.

As in World War One, it took some time and effort for either side to achieve an outcome!

After playing for a while I feel like this game has a lot of potential, after reading the instructions you typed in the comments the game made sense. Like chipcheap mentioned the games pretty easy up until the point when all rows unlock and the board is flooded with enemies.

At that point I had a lot of trouble changing rows and managing what was happening in different number rows, I'm not perfect on morse code knowledge so the time between figuring out what number and letter I needed I often missed my chance and had to try again.

I feel like this game would do really well if you introduced a level system where you could win a match with less rows active and as you progressed through the levels it would get harder and harder to win each match with maybe a new row each time and more enemies as well.

AlexVsCoding responds:

The game has a couple of units on each board at the moment - I'm hoping to increase that number to add a bit more variety and tactics to the battlefield. The way that the enemy/unit count is calculated is the swing of power works as a multiplier (If power = 9, the number of troops spawned per shipment will be 9.

Keep in mind, the build I nearly launch was without the increasing rows (All rows open with that rate of troops marching through), so whilst it seems like there's not much there pacing wise I am working to get on top of it.

The version I've released is more of a vertical slice/lumpy experience that I'm going to sculpt from. When I started work on Narcissus, the pacing was absolutely terrible and a lot of people found it really hard to pick up. I fixed that. Having said that, the complexity of Narcissus lay in it's level design, whilst this is likely going to be the careful management/balancing on numbers. We will see.

Thanks again for the useful feedback!

Can`t move across morse code machine

A pretty fun and good idea...But it needs work. I would say it primarily needs some more immersion...Like being able to see more than just little planes, ships, and troops marching around. It would be much nicer to see more detail in the game.