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Reviews for "Crushga's Fighting Saga BETA"

This game needs PLENTY of work in two major areas before it would be considered for an Alpha Release.

- First: the game's enemies are VERY broadly randomized in their stats; especially off the start. One is more prone to dying more than they are to succeed: if one survives it's because they idled in the chair for days on end, before spending as much time as they can training before 50% hunger.
- Second: the Hunger Meter, MOST ESPECIALLY for this Beta is nothing more than an Inhibitor to get anywhere in this game. Either lower the Hunger requirement to continue training, or have the Player able to start off with just enough to get, at best, the most expensive item on the first row.

There is potential to the game; however there is a LOT of refinement required before it can reach Alpha.

You start off with no money what so ever. Training takes forever as well. When you go on an adventure you lose and don't even win any money at all so there is no point. This game is really disappointing.

I have to wait forever, watching my character sleep just to be able to be strong enough to beat the first boss. This game is far to slow to be fun.

not playable yet

This has potential. Need some food and some money to start the game with. The overall screen is too big, I have to scroll up and down to read instructions and play game.