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Reviews for "Pico Sim Date <3"

It is a very good game, with characters originating from major to newgrounds characters. I have only one question: Who the hell is supposed to be hun-ni?

Moosh responds:

Hun-Ni is supposed to be a character that represents the "There she is!" series found right here on Newgrounds :)

i've just done everything there i you can do on the beta, so far it looks pretty awesome!! But id like to see more item maybe? more dialog from all the character please? I want more personality!! Other then that...Very good job and i cant wait for the full game to come out ^^

Moosh responds:

Everyone wants more of everything!

Heya Moosh, long time fan here, great to see you back again.

This is only a beta, so this is more constructive criticism and suggestions than a real review. I thought modeling the girls and npcs after known newgrounds icons was a good move from the previous original characters, it made the game feel a lot more about the actual pico than before. However, one thing I was disappointed to see go was the mini multiple-choice challenges that came up while climbing the work ladder. Those were a lot of fun, so I really hope they're coming back in a next version.

Here's one glaring blemish on this game, which I'm not sure if you had planned to change: The whole 'talk' process in getting a girl to like you seems both unrealistic and outdated. It's just, in my opinion, uninteractive gameplay. My suggestion? What if, much like the random job place story challenges, dialogue between pico and the girl opened up, and there were multiple choice answers that had varying increases (or decreases) on the hearts. These dialogue exchanges could evolve into little events instead of just mere conversations (once the two are friends). This could also replace the way we learn about the girls. Just repeatedly talking to them to find out all the answers for their date is kinda lame and uniteresting. What if little tidbits of what each girl likes were inserted into these little conversation events? Players would have to pay attention and remember everything from these conversations to be successful on dates. If you do want to accept this idea, feel free to ask me for ideas on dialogue and events.

On the above notes, the little quests should stay. However, I think they should only be given at the end of a heart and don't let you on to the next one. So they're what's inbetween you and the next "level" so to say.

Boss dads would be cool (I believe that was mentioned) or just bosses in general. I'm positive you're bringing the whole fighting aspect back, because something like that takes some separate programming and I can see why it wouldnt make it into game. Just imagine fighting Dad. I believe he should be the toughest fight in the game. Also, will we get to see cyclops again? I miss that douche.

The dating interface was refreshing and interesting, however I still feel like the way you get the information for the dates is sort of lame and uninteresting.

I think that wraps up my thoughts for now. Can't wait for the next version!

Moosh responds:

Haha I welcome any constructive criticism :)

Yes! This game was supposed to be a true tribute to this site, so I wanted everything to be as relevant to Pico and NG as possible. Oh, and the random job chances isn't cut from the design, just had to be in the meanwhile to make it for the deadline :)

Very interesting idea! I was definitely hoping to expand random choices through-out the game, including dates and interactions with the girls, so hopefully that'll keep things more interesting.

I believe that's how the quests already work? Your relationship can only increase when you finish their given tasks/quests.

I'm actually still on the fence regarding combat. The game is supposed to be about being a lover not a fighter... but I guess you can always be both right? :p

Thanks again for your thoughts! :D

Excellent Dating Sim. It really breaks the tedious formula of most old dating sims you find on this site. Most of the girls are pretty cute and/or sexy, and I really love the date system and how the girls don't revolve around one skill or one career choice, but rather, many different skills.

+ Being able to salvage the date with apologizing and using methods to avoid causing offense by forgetting information. Seriously, that is groundbreaking, most dating sims force you to fail if you miss one question or forget to buy a gift.
+Pico's appearence has improved from previous games. Less stereotypically anime.
+Many different careers to choose from, instead of just a "go to work" button.
+Hilarious/entertaining bosses/coworkers/trainers in the careers.
+Most of the girls are really cute.
+Nene is a total, unapologetic bitch. I'm into that.
-Money is too easy to earn.
-It's a pain in the ass to build up balls, even more so than brains.
-Allie's design is awkward.
-I was hoping to get bitched at by Lilium for making a shitty ass painting. Sadly, I didn't. :(
-Nene not avalible yet.
- Only a few of the girls mention their parents. I'd like to see more of that, for example, Trish mentioning how her dad has a total hard on for you.
-This is the newest game in the series, and I assume this one isn't following the continuity of previous games, since there is no mention of us dating Nene...speaking of which, have we even gotten a proper conclusion to Pico Sim Date 2?

Suggestions (not pros or cons, but things that I think should be in the game)
Fighting system.
The ability to date Lilium (goth girls are cute).
A more obvious difference in favorite gifts compared to non-favorites.
Jealously system (for example, Nene calling you out on your bush shenanigans with Bree if you both are dating).
Add Korean to Hun-Ei's dialogue. Seeing as Doki and Nabi symbolize the "Taboo" relationship of a Japanese person and a Korean due to their nations' deep and dark history, Hun-Ei should be both fluent in Japanese (or Moonspeak) and Korean.
Gay option. Despite the series being pretty heterosexual, I think this would be a nice addition to the game. We've seen childless mascots around, so this boy could easily be the child of Blockhead, Salad Fingers, Strawberry Clock, Samurai Asshole, Madness, etc. Perhaps he would hang out in the Audio portal or the Mall?

And all of that aside, well done! I hope to see this completed very soon!

Moosh responds:

Whoa, thanks for the the huge review!

A lot of people are having the same problems as you do, so they'll definitely be addressed for the finished version. As for the story continuity from the previous ones, I felt that it's been so long that they should just be left off as they are now (kinda the reason why this game is technically called "Pico Sim Date <3 instead of Pico Sim Date 3). Unfortunately, I'm missing many files from the 2nd one so I don't think I'm able to give it a proper conclusion...

Haha the jealousy feature sounds hilarious... and yes! Hun-Ni actually does speak both, but I guess it's hard to notice when her dialogue is random.

Again, thanks for the review!

I really liked the demo/alpha im not sure but in final version you can put bed sex scenes and show us the animations that are right like slap the ass and the sex in the forest? And may you can make us have more wives!! Just ideas!! Second sim date ever played in true in the full version I think that will pass of second to first!! Please dont give up this project thanks for your time reading this..

Moosh responds:

Haha thank you for writing this review :)