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Reviews for "TD-Where You're Going"

Very inspirational my friend. I just quit retail 2 weeks ago to pursue animation full time these next couple months. We all may fail at times and have to work shitty jobs while pursuing our dreams, but the important thing is to never quit.

As usual you are awesome

Rated 0.5 / 5 stars about 5 hours ago

For your information animation is an expresion form of comunicating ideas and sending a message through images and sound, so in my opinion this work has all of those things to be taken as an animation, in its own way. There is a deep concept under this video, and I think it delivers proporly to the audience. You dont need 30 frames per sec to have a good animation...

I really love your videos man, I can relate to many things you said.

kay... @RareKirby needs to read up on the definition of animation.

Anyway, as usual, your stuff's awesome MR.TechnicalDave

Raziberry responds:

Ah don't sweat that guy. Some people are purists with this stuff.
Thanks for the rate, though!

Replace every use of the words "Wal-Mart" with "Sonic Drive In", and you've pretty much described the last 3 years of my life, and probably the next year at least.