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Reviews for "End of Sonic Inflation"

To people who don't think this belongs on the front page, and who scoff at us original newgrounders:
Wake the fuck up. It's on the front page for a reason. The mods and owners of this site stay true to newground's roots when they feature this.

Clearly the comments section isn't serious, as this whole site was never meant to be taken seriously. This isn't fucking armorgames or kongregate. This is newgrounds damnit. I'm not asking you to like this piece of beautiful exquisite art; your opinion is perfectly valid. I am imploring you to try and understand why it is on the front page.

Newgrounds will always have a special place in my heart. Congrats on front page jimberly, you deserve it.

I now understand true sorrow.

10/10 I cry everytime

circle jerky. only ancient NG'ers will pretend to like this.

i feel like you just wasted 100 years of my life even though i only sat through a minute of it and rapidly clicked through dialog along the way and still felt like i was having my immortality wasted. that's right even if i was immortal i'd feel like life was too short to waste on this.

I got as far as talking to chad at work before giving up on the hope this was actually a game.
pros: The narrative has some humor

cons: everything else.

2/5 but im taking off 1 & 1/2 for your tantrum in your comments section. we dont care about your life struggles "waah waah im not getting the respect i think i deserve"