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Reviews for "Boomerang Chang"

yay,a new tipe of "flappy bird" game,perfect for stabbing yourself over failing 50.000 times...3 stars only because game programing isn't quite a walk in the park.

Challenging, and requires you to keep your eye on multiple threats at once, many that you'll generate on your own and haphazardly jump into without realizing. I only noticed a while into playing (on my best run where I got an embarrassing 30 points) that the boomerangs are actually affected by gravity, and will slowly descend after thrown. That was an interesting mechanic, and threw a wrench into my "throw a billion boomerangs high and never jump again" strategy. With all that said, There's really not much else worth mentioning about the game. I quickly learned my skill cap, and knew that I wasn't gonna pass 30 points without some practice, but I don't have much of an incentive to put that practice in. I guess score attack games just aren't my thing.

I'll give you two stars... on two simple basic principals. One star for making this game hard enough to be compared to Flappy Bird and another on making the controls simple and yet versatile. I honestly thought when I first loaded the game up that I was going to be a little ninja perched up atop of "Little Ninja Hill" throwing my little ninja boomerang to vanquish my foes... I was correct for the most part but I have one HUGE disagreement to your game design and thus why you are NOT getting a "good" review. You are a NINJA.. an ancient warrior trained in the art of hand to hand combat as well as an expert with the weapons of your art (Projectile weaponry is where I'm going with this.) How in the actual fuck... does a ninja... get killed.. with his own boomerang?!?! This is still blowing my mind. Also.. I love watching old ninja and kung fu movies. I've never once in my lifespan seen a ninja throw a boomerang and jack dog shit.. though I'd imagine if he did, he would catch said boomerang when it returned to him. I highly doubt it would come hurling back to him SO fast that his highly trained brain would simply fail to catch it.
My point here is, instead of making the game dynamics harder by allowing the boomerang to KILL the ninja.. why not make the game a little more enjoyable by allowing the user to catch the boomerang. BETTER YET!! Make the boomerang a shuriken and call the game "Shuriken Ken" I'm simply brain storming here and I really do appreciate and congratulate you for making a game that is unique in your own way so I'll toss another half a star your way :P
Good luck on your future endeavors.

I would give this three stars, if it allowed firing to the left, and catching the boomerangs, rather than being killed by them. This game is simply too frustrating to play for more than five minutes.