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Reviews for "Zombo Buster Rising"

Ok game. Could be better if the art style wasn't somewhat copied over a certain series of TD games.

No bugs, the same art style as all the games and very repetitive. Good for wasting some time, but no replay value.

I like it! It's simple, not too easy, and certainly not too difficult. You gave us just enough of both to really make this fun. It has the shooter element, it has the assist element, and it has the upgrade element. I love it. Fantastic work. If you make a sequel, it'll be a hit. Still, the next one (like some of the nay-sayers are saying) should have some new mechanics. Keep your ears open to suggestions, because this is a classic play on a zombie shooter, and everyone will love the sequel.

ARGH my hand! x.x 22 million on survival for 42 min.

addicting dude! good job! was rly rly fun!

This game is as boring and bland cookie cutter zombie defense shooter.
Sure, makers tried to introduce certain elements to try and mix things up, but without concern about how they interact with each other.

We have flying enemies on balloons, but to my dismay you can't shoot the ballons to ground the enemies. Sure, why introduce something that could be FUN?
In fact, all enemy types other than ballon zombies introduce absolutely nothing new to the game. They vary a bit in speed in health, but nothing actually interesting. It's obvious absolutely no thought went into enemy design.
Back to mechanics.
We have refugees who will run through the crowd for cash bonus if they reach the base not killed by friendly (player's) fire, which was a nice thought - sadly, it doesn't mesh well with another mechanic, which is having a NPC on player's team.
Sadly, yur party members can't really tell which is a safe shot for refugees and will often kill them by accident (especially so since Sniper's ability is piercing through multiple targets, and Rocketman deals area of effect splash damage).
Another mechanic are spells which are usually found in less relfex oriented defense games (like tower defense) but hey, whatever helps to shake up the monotony of holding left mouse button. Except spells themselves are pretty forgettable and have a very long cooldown. Notable is Time Freeze, which freezes enemies in place for I think entire SECOND. Wow. Your character won't even reload a gun in this time.
What else is to say?
We have random effects like Stun or Critical Hit, but they're awarded randomly so I'm not sure why they're even there in a skill based game. All it does is make Rocketman the best character sinc he rolls for a critical hit on every hit in the splash damage, which seems like an oversight.
Graphics are super generic and forgettable, drawn in the same "cute" cartoony style we seen since Plants Vs Zombies. I didn't notice music was even there, and it's the same boring looping short jingle. There's dialogue, but it's not funny (I think it's supposed to be, but isn't), it's terribly written, adds nothing to the game and obviously an afterthought. Enemy desings are relatively creative, but what's the point if they don't correspond to gameplay much.
To be frank, this game is super mediocre. It's bad. It looks like someone with no experience in game design played Last Stand and went "hey, I can make that!".
Guess what? No, you can't.