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Reviews for "PuzzAdd"

Very average, uninspired graphics, simple, easy to learn gameplay, but it's not anything to write home about. One thing I did notice was that the game reacts to groups of 3 as well as pairs.

It looks simple but it turn out to be quite demanding.This ten second limit ! Which is nice.
But i can't ge the submit, high score or medal part to work.

snakep responds:


thank you for your feedback.

Are you logged in on Newgrounds while playing?
You can send me a PM via Newgrounds if you need help.


submits score at 12:07... ranked number 1 for the day fuck yeah!

but seriously the game is really really fun and addicting, and although the timer adds a good level of difficulty damn is it unforgiving.

snakep responds:


great, that you like the game.


If you form an L-shaped group of 3, or a T-shaped group of 4 (which are possible by having two of the same number on opposits ends of the row, then wrapping around to make them adjacent to each other and to another copy), the game doesn't acknowledge the whole cluster, and only merges one leg of it. That's mildly broken, even though making those kinds of groups is less than optimal.

It also seems like the game should have at least a rudimentary check to detect whether all 36 tiles in the grid have distinct values, and if they do, it can give a "No Matches Possible" message at that point rather than having to wait for the player to time out. Once it gets to a dead end like that, there's no reason to make the game continue any longer.

snakep responds:


thank you for the input.

The game always checks to the right and adds the result to the left most field if you add within a row. If you add within a column it searches from bottom up and adds up the result to the field which is nearest to the bottom.

If you consider this you can add inverse T shapes and certain rotated L shapes.

I will consider you idea with an early game over.


a really simple game really there could use more work.

the menu button text is abit blurry and really borring to look at, you can trick the game by just keep moveing rows untill you hit something (the timer stops working after a while).

there is no music ,effects or anything there make you want to keep on playing, even the end screen is just grey in grey where you can only see the high score.

the concept is fine but it lacks personality makeing it very unlikely you`re gonna play it more than once.

snakep responds:


thank you for your input.

I will looking into the timer.

You will not reach a high score by randomly moving rows around (it will not work if the only 2 machting numbers are in the same row with a distance more than 2 squares).

You are right with the presentation but i was hoping people may like the gameplay.
