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Reviews for "Perdition"

Really enjoyed it, but I don't feel like finding all the other possible endings. Great game, though some cutscenes and even a few elevator rides dragged on a little too long. Also it would've been better if the fighting was a little more streamlined maybe?

I felt really conflicted about this game at first. On one hand, to say that it was "inspired" by Gyossait is a bit of an understatement. The visual style was cut whole-cloth from that game, and several sprites in the game look almost exactly the same (the Executioner gunmen and the same gun-wielding men in Gyossait, the crawling spiders and the mutated spider creatures in Gyossait, the font of the Tanas' dialogue, the conceit of having his dialogue written on the background as a means of conveying, acid pits, the pushable weight/platform object, the stills/cutscenes, the layout and animation of the opening, et multiple cetera). It can't be argued that this game is HEAVILY cribbing from Gyossait in the artwork. Frankly, I think it warrants a splash page at the beginning (or end) of the game thanking Amon26 for the inspiration and directing people to his page so they can see the source.

...but at the same time, I can't say this is a ripoff of Gyossait, because it has a lot of elements that made the game its own. There was much more mid-game choice (obey/rebel) and that increased player agency, which is always a good thing. I felt less railroaded in this game than I did in parts of Gyossait. And of course, I played it through multiple times, so it was obviously good enough and engaging enough to keep me drawn in.

So yeah, I like it. If you're going to steal, steal from the best, as they say. And you took some of the best elements from Gyossait's visuals and used them to paint a new picture. It's good. Inspiration is a good thing, and imitating good artists is a good thing too. All I'd really say is give the artists that inspire you a very conspicuous shout-out, just out of respect. Who knows who might be inspired by you in the future? I'm sure you'd like the credit as well.

This is awesome \m/ Once I got the sword and the knife, I was hooked XP

My friend the true ending was ok and your prophecy will go on BUT... meaning of this is wrong, and in these times its not rlz true... we r living in a world in which everything is real and not real inthe same way every person who is losthas to depend on something... i study sociology and u know... u made a grea t GREAT GAME... dont mind me im drunk

I went through the whole game until the end without using the halo or weapons. Yet the red text still acted like I have used the Halo, this deducted from the immersiveness that I could affect the text shown to me entirely. Also the looping sound effects can get pretty damn annoying.

Apart from that I really found the game challenging and it's slight deviations from a linear path made the game that much more worth playing twice.