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Reviews for "Perdition"

awesome looking game, instantly immersive concept but sincerely FUCK YOU for putting that writing over the first jump with spikes, it scared the fuck out of me and i didn't make the jump, then i went back to make the jump again and read the writing but i didn't get to. OCD must restart entire fucking game to go back and read that. Fix that please, the moment you hit the spikes it just says very good and you don't get to read any of that shit that popped up. Excuse my language I have gamer's rage. but I love it and am going back to play it again now =)

True ending : don't kill anything don't pick any weapon

TL;DR: A nice idea that kinda falls apart in the implementation.

I kept finding myself getting caught on what seem to be small invisible bits of terrain that sent me plummeting into a pit. The spider enemies sometimes bug out and stop moving (and the one spider that's most prone to doing this usually ends up sitting on top of a one-way platform you need to jump up onto from beneath, making the level near impossible to do.)

The aesthetics & cutscenes are nice, but the latter tend to drag on a bit, I think you really should've added a "skip/fast forward this" button. And you don't get any points for the former because the aforementioned aesthetics are borrowed/copied from Gyossait.

The whole "obey or don't obey" thing turns out to not matter one bit, since which ending you get is decided solely by which choice you make at the end (and whether or not you killed any enemies, but even that only changes 1 ending.)

And lastly, the mid-way checkpoint that you reload from is BEFORE a 2-minute corridor. A move that seems to exist for the sole purpose of wasting time.

And on a story note: Why can't we spare Tamas? If you leave when he begs you to you get a medal for "Sparing him", and his text changes to "You're gonna spare me?", but you can't actually do it because the elevator that takes you to him is one-way so you can't leave.

Carrill responds:

To spare him, you simply stand and wait.

And while obeying/disobeying does not directly affect your ending, I don't really feel as if there's an logical reason as to why a specific number would do this. Obeying allows you to use the Halo and generally sets the player on one path while disobeying allows the player to use the Gun and follow another path. It's indirect but if affects your experience anyway.

This is one of the few flash games that have such a interesting and complex story.For anyone who didn't get the symbolisms,it's about Genesis(God and Devil,Eve and so on)in a futuristic apocalypse(correct if I'm wrong).You did a fine work with this game and I expect to see even better stuff from you next time!!Keep it up!!! I was going for the Hope for the Future ending but I ended up(because I killed accidentally one android)with the Seduced....Fooled.I got it on my second run though(maybe let the player choose when to save,thus he'll save time).Again,awesome work.Maybe next time add more gameplay to it.Not that it really matters if the story is so good.You balanced story and gameplay quite well.

I like it, but I saw many elements from "Gyossait" maybe you could be a bit more original with your style next time.