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Reviews for "Mortal Kombat Dir. Cut"

Not bad...

you should have done more mk characters!

Uh, sprite ripping doesn't take too much talent.

While I enjoyed many aspects of this film, (the wit mainly)I must speak out on this sprite ripping craze. When will you people realize that it isn't too damn hard to get an emulator of a chosen console, download a rom image, and manipulate a ripping program? It just show's no talent. The presentation of the movie was a pleasant suprise though. Excellent use of fonts! They completely set the mood. But, for the aformentioned reasons, I can't find it in myself to score this higher than six. Especially with completely original works such as the Bards Song circulating. You just don't deserve such status.

not the best but not 2 shabby

u did a better job in goof troop kombat (the 1st one not the 2nd one).


Scorpian getting bitch-slapped by Kano was LOL

I really didn't like it at all, but....

Well first thing: for people like the guy below this one is one of the first spoofs of MK on Newgrounds, a lot of spoofs are based in this one and that gives it some credit, so maybe you didn't like the scorpion spoof but that doesn't make the movie horrible. Second thing, people who voted low should check out some of the recent job of the author because this is of 2000, i don't think the author is doing the same kind of jokes. I must admit it, I didn't like the scorpion's spoof, and i didn't understand sindel's one but i don't think it deserves a 0. It is like comparing videogames you can't compare a game from 1995 with a recently game. The old game can be bad compared with the new one because technology has advanced a lot since then but in that age, it could have been good, sorry for the long review but i had a lot to say.