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Reviews for "The Blind Swordsman"

dat scream!
'but i'm not dead!'

great gameplay! i think i only know of one other game that uses sound, but not like this....i love it! it would be great to see this used in a mainstream game!

Finally beat the 180! I was going to give up at the third stage but I knew deep in my heart that I would stop studying has this game would just nag me to finish it. I had to go looking for headphones though as my left speaker is broken.

Great game, and addictive too. The cut scenes were well drawn, and the music was appropriate. The programing was good, although I'm not sure how the turning and blocking works. Can I block while I turn? Does attacking cause a pause before you can block again? In the second last level these were questions that frustrated me, but I did manage to get past it, eventually...

I did love how difficult it was though. Without it, I would of given up on the third level. Right now I actually feel like I accomplished something because of that. And a game that gives me a sense of accomplishment deserves a five star rating.

Awesome game....how do you get pass the wolves?

Also there should be more games like this on newgrounds i loved the psychological point of view of the blind man.

Just to play around, I did what this one guy named GroggyLobster said and turned off my speakers for the "Ultimate Helen Keller Experience." XD

I actually won the first level. O.O

I was just spamming the buttons and flailing around like any person would if both their sense of hearing and sight were disabled. (No offense to blind and deaf people. I have full respect for you)

Anyways, this game isn't all too bad. It's actually kind of addicting and can test your sense of hearing. If you go to far to the right, his voice pans to left and vice-versa. You have to listen closely. Although I'm still not sure if this is an April Fool's Day joke or not, It's still pretty good. Nice job guys! :D

Game is great. I did some martial arts training with a blindfold and this feels a lot like it ^^ Great game. For the people having difficulty direct the black screen until the talking is surround sound. Copy the foot steps so the talk will stay at the center. When they run towards you don't parry. Wait until they grunt or shout then parry and attack. Hope this helps