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Reviews for "I Hate America"

I'm not impressed.

In your response to the last review, you claim that you had the support of just about everybody outside America. I don't live in America but you don't have my support. I don't understand the logic of people like you. You whinge and whine about American intolerance, racism and imperialism (what crap) when Islamic terrorists in the Middle East are a million times worse than Americans can ever be. In this film you claim that American soldiers are guilty of random genocide. If you truly believe this, the you really must be an ignorant liberal. There is a war going on in Afghanistan, and in wars, accidents happen. As much as I hate to say it, shit happens. There is no 'carpet bombing' (what a joke) going on, and Americans do not believe that they are a 'superior race'. I was reading some reviews to this film, and in one of your replies you called someone a 'slave to the media'.
After seeing this cartoon, I believe that you are a slave to those idiotic newspapers that left wing morons hand out in the central business district. Most of the shit in this movie is not true.
Oh, and BTW, I also read your profile. It turns out that you are from New Zealand. I am really not surprised that this film was made in a basket case country that can't afford to defend itself. I hope you have fun impotently waving a placard at anything that represents success or wealth, because this is probably where your hatred of America comes from. See you round, fuckstick.

Raging-Psycho responds:

Accidents happen huh? It's not so much accidents as a disreguard for life. It's more "Sir, we cant bomb this village theres 534 people living there" "Dont worry son, they're Afghans, meaing every single one of them, man woman and child wants to kill us all and must be destroyed.". I mean thats an exageration but still, it's that kind of attitude.

And me, a slave to some non-existant left wing paper? This cartoon is opinions that I've formulated from research and me veiw of the world. I know that its hard to think up your own opinions, and most people, like you, just dont bother, and continue to blindly beleive what is told to them.

Interesting veiws about New Zealand you have, coming from Australia. Look at history 'fuckstick', and you'll see that Australia cant afford to defend itself either. I read an eye-witness account of the Japanese attack on Darwin (Because you're Australian I'm going to assume you're a dumbass and dont know that this was during World War II) the Australians couldnt shoot down the Japanese planes because they had no anti-aircraft guns. They tried to make to with small arms fire because the few machine guns that they had to defend the beach couldnt pivot enough to aim higher than the horizon. And as a consequence Darwin and Northern Australia got raped. So dont be so fast to say that New Zealand cant defend itself when your own country was attacked in World War II, and couldnt defend itself then. And also you talk about success or wealth, I'm wondering how you measure that, because New Zealand hasnt any poverty, war or famine, and the standard of living is easily equal to that of Australians, and also Americans for that matter. I'm assuming since you're so pro american you're talkign about how many tanks or war planes we have. Seems a bit irrelivant to me, since you only need weapons of distruction if there's a chance that you'd need to use them, and when your country is like New Zealand, and is well respected by most nations for creating and identity for itself over issues like nuclear energy and weapons, you dont need to be able to defend from enemies, because you dont have any. There's no reason for new zealand to envy that which it does not need, or want for this matter.


im american... but i thought the part was funny where they killed the afgans lol.... but the thing you have to remember not all americans are like this... our leaders run everything we cant do shit about it and they lie to us... but that doesnt mean u have to be a bitch about it.... imagine if your mom was in the wtc when it fell down... wouldnt you want to knock the crap out of who is responsible? you have the right to say whatever you want about us but remember we are the strongest country in the world... if we werent cocky then america would look like France... or even Canada

Virtually Pointless....or is it?

No it pretty much is im afraid. Just for your satifaction, yes it did offend me...deeply if i do say so. the problem is simple, your information is just too one-sided. Oh well, i guess its ok if you think that...just dont make it publicly known.

Fear Tactics

Is one of the most effective and oldest tricks. Not just started in the USA, utilized frequently about EVERYTHING though. Patriot Act(if you know what I'm talking about) is a perfect example. I believe it was Benjamin Franklin(one of America's sculptors) that said "Those who give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." This stands true, but is not followed. The US's Republic Democracy is flawed, it is led by the rich and powered by the seemingly blind poor. There are many elements in United States actions, to the chagrin of many patriots the government leads the "for your own good" actions. Many Americans are afraid to cry out for their demands, dissent is feared. There is also gross ignorance among the masses, in the public school system(and probably the private sector as well) the full/true history of it's own country isn't told. Those who spout "I hate America" are just as foolish and racist as those they are supposedly spouting about. I understand the point of this flash, it's all shock value. I must say in the US I have met countless amounts of good and moral people; I have also been met with severe ignorance and racism. The situation in Iraq/Middle East is complicated, as all wars("police actions") are. The country is volatile, chaotic, and desperately needs a foundation. It's funny that the British have something to say about how evil the US is going in to that area. Why? because those borders weren't set by those who live there. Before World War 1 those borders were non-existent(I'm not saying there weren't any borders at all just not the ones we know today). Europe, and most likely the US, carved the land like a cooked bird. The winners took the pieces they wanted and drew borders for themselves, in the time of imperialism(remember that British Empire thing?). The natives were split as it was, but with these new borders were stuck with opposing sects. I'm not saying it's the UK's fault that the US are in Iraq/Middle East, the US played their part plenty, I'm saying don't start getting all fired up just yet. America, all of the countries, is flawed; no country is perfect. Don't even kid yourself that your country is, or is even close. I'm not saying the US is the best and only place to live; it's not I know. In the past of every land, their is evil. Their is violence, depravity, sickness, and wrong-doing; pointing your finger doesn't relieve you of this fact. There is also beauty, art, culture. People like putting things in black in white, funny because there's a whole world of colors out there.