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Reviews for "Why Cops Give Tickets"

i liked the animation style and the humour of it, i think it was funny does deserve a spot on newgrounds :)

That was actually pretty funny. Well done!

Loved the characters' animations, especially on how smooth they were. I wish the art backgrounds were done better but I know you wanted to go for simplicity, and that's alright.

Again, well done and good luck!

Mohammad Ahmed Fikree

Hey man, I'm generally a fan of yout stuff, I think you're a good writer and you have really nice colors, sound, general effort is great basically. One thing I will say is I think your art style needs improvement, I think every character you draw has the same huge awkward body and alot of your characters are hard to follow because the faces in general are too similar too. I think you should try using reference for absolutely EVERYTHING you draw, when youre drawing an arm, bring up a picture on Google. Same goes for the small details, the police in this were all wearing tuxedos for some reason? Look up highway trooper uniform or whatever, these little things get people more immersed. Again, I see alot of potential for you to be great, otherwise I wouldn't bother reviewing, I'm a fan of your stuff and look forward to seeing more of your stuff. :)

Twisted4000 responds:

Hey, thanks a lot, ha ha I just drew suits, I didn't see them as tuxedos... but now... I see it... lol. I understand that I'm okay at a couple of things, but I also know that a lot of the stuff I do, which you pointed out, isn't so great yet. But I can't tell you how glad I am to see that someone like you thinks I'm generally good at what I do to an extent, and I know I'm pretty bad a lot of stuff, but that's why I always try to improve. I'm taking everything you said into account and will try to make my stuff even better/fix the bad things, there's a bigger video/series thing I want to start soon and I want it to be as good as I can do it right now. Thank you so much, looking forward to meeting ya!

So how much was your speeding ticket?

Meh I dont see this as a very good joke.

1. The officer has to have proof he was speeding
2. All the guy would have to do is bring it to court and he wouldn't have to pay it so...the joke would be on the officer who could likely lose his job since it would be on camera and it has sound since the joke was he was giving them a ticket to pay for breakfast and you cant have more than 2 officers in a car....

So just seemed stupid and the uniform was not an officers, they dont wear ties dude.

Better luck next time.

Twisted4000 responds:

1) You're over-thinking it, it was just a joke
2) I probably should have actually looked up what an officer's uniform looked like before just drawing suits