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Reviews for "Dead Zed 2"

Great graphics, and a really fun game. It is however FAR to easy. through out the entire game my health was at 100% with no exceptions. the only guns I used was the sniper rifles until the end I used a LMG. I never used rage or explosives because I never came close to needing them. So for that reason I take away 1 star because there is no tactical stimulation in the game at all. there's only like 3 good weapons and as long as you choose one of them you'll be fine throughout the entire game all other choices and tactics are irrelevant.

Aside from the heavy nostalgia, a solid game

I found the game boring as hell- I know luck was nice to me, as I had a full roster of Survivors after area 1, and only lost 3 to god knows what (I assume those monsters that never attack the house, cause how in the world could you die to those damn things lol). I found defending extremely easy, and the only thing that warranted any attention was the crossbow, which was actually fun to use- for 2 defenses, at which I had a better gun.

Famas was a joke, hell, every other weapon compared to the AK was a joke. The headshots are not terribly responsive, as I've gotten them off body shots off the mario zombies. I only used the gimmicky instagib space bar move twice, and that was to spray the yard helplessly and see how many I downed in one clip of random fire.

I never got hit, hell, the only time they got close was due to the Famas' MASSIVE sprite being in the way. Then it was just point, click, win.

I dont know, the games too boring to just be a rehash of the first one. I didn't see anything really different, though its been a while. Upgrades seemed useless, never even bothered with them as they just didn't apply or never worked right.

Next time, have the option of being a defender or a search party member who has to actually search the areas of the home, while shooting out a window or something.

However,I finish the game,40 days pass,the cavalry come,and that`s it.

I would have given this game 5 stars if it were a little harder to survive, and if all my survivors I had searching didn't die. I didn't even try to finish the game because I couldn't get any more weapons, since I had no one to search. It would be better if the survivors that search either can't die, or the chance of them dying should be about 1/4 of what it is.