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Reviews for "House of Wolves"

Fun game, really nice graphics, and leaves me craving RTS games, but:
1. Too short.
2. Could have been harder if trees didn't sprout like weeds.
3. Needs a way to separate different unit types in the same army.
Other than that, pretty good.

Not bad at all.

Nice game. But the story mode is really just a simple tutorial mission, and I'm not really interested in the survival mode. I'd like to see a campaign mode.

It was fun when i played on Armor Games. I never did put a review for my own reasons, but here it is.

1) You can beat the campaign and survive the endless mode often with just peasants (since they are ranged in combat)

2) I'd like to have seen more, either in campaign or in variety of enemies. more than just the tutorial quest of defeating the evil ruler.

3) For the most part I found myself shredding to the end of the left hand side before the tutorial was over just because i could.

4) I dont like that i have to be online spending my precious bandwidth in order to play using local saves.

5) Hunting was almost useless after a point, for as soon as you have a few chicken farms you no longer have a real need for anything else food-wise.

Aside those gripes, it was a well made, well thought out game with a good game design. However it left me wanting more, simply because i enjoyed the game mechanics so much, and because there is only so much to do before completing the game entirely. -1 star for the gripes -0.5 because it is so easy to simply become a powerhouse before even really starting the campaign/tutorial quests. the rest is pretty cool.

Side note, i would address the massing peasants issue as it detracts the need for anything else in the game. Admittedly i have beaten the game with nothing but an angry mob of peasants, which shouldn't be so easy.

I like how the mouse changes when on and off the little boxy things that game sits inside. So much fun! 4/5