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Reviews for "Surface"

1 word

Oh my god.. if i was this good.. i would cry.. this song is ridiculously good.. like.. the best techno i've ever heard in my life.. AND YOU MADE IT 4 YEARS AGO! DIM RAIN IF YOU READ THIS.. PLEASE COME BACK TO NG! WE ALL MISS YOU COMPLETELY RAPING EVERYONE ELSES MUSIC WITH YOUR GODLY MELODIES!... I mean.. this was made 4 years ago.. just imagine how crazy good he would be if he kept going...
mann... come back please :D


I picture a world completely industrialized... Then WWIII, you know nukes everywhere. Everything is dust and rubble. People start crawling out from the rubble and rebuild the civilization. Just my opinion you know =P great job keep it up make more songs cuz frankly I am waiting...

If anyone want to fill the epicness of the song, you need to do these things:
Get on a plane
start the music
make sure the plain take loose of the ground at 00:11
the sound of the plane leaving the SURFACE will boost the song and makes you feel it
then comes the inflight.

this was the first choice, it goes the same way for landing, start like 4 min before landing,
the music becomes more intense and towards towards 4:00
you should Surface, if it happened than you'll be happy that you felt the true meaning of this song to my opinion.

these 2 suggestions are my own personal ways of understanding the name Surface, and just now I figured out that the name refers to Surface- landing, I actually try these 2 methods, using them on the same flight is something out of this world, a sensation of "this was the start and this was the end" closing the circle of epicness and freedom at the never ending skies...

one of tthe most moving songs I've heard, I've always thought it would be good for landing, but I haven't figure untill now that this might be the real source, and maybe it is.

Oh my goodness.
What's the BPM on this? Seriously. FAST.
Don't really like the slow beginning too much because it doesn't fit the rest of the song.
Of course, you're still putting in that instrument I can't identify in songs like Infernoplex and many others (Which is good. It fits your style.)

I love this track, but a quick question to everyone... is dimrain still alive cause he hasn't posted anything in ages? lmao. anyway as I already said a great song which was uploaded 10/11 years ago and I still find it enjoyable to listen to