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Reviews for "SALSA!"

Nice try...

Not enough effort for this one, it had plenty of Fanimutation cliche's though. Nice to see Chiu.

But this one had way too much use of a single annonying background, and not much variety besides that one baby. Next time, a little more insanity, and a little more PACE!

Joxa responds:

yeh this was my first attept at an animutation.i didnt do too bad tho i guess:D


Baaad.It was funny,but the animation suckedalot,and i dont like random crap.Good music though,that part kickedass!


i didn't watch it all.. got bored

some people may be feelin this, but i don't fall in that category. plus english is always a better alternative. graphics need work. everything can be made better.. but that's true for all portals. but this one you might wanna throw away and burn.

Joxa responds:

first submissiony thing, sorry i suck.

It scared me Joxa

Man that Giant badies head gave me the chills but still it was good.


wtf...that was weird but for somereason i like the song