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Reviews for "SC. #1 - Supermassive"


The eyes were what drew me to check out the rest of this piece. They're such a pretty tinge of gold... Eyes really seem to be a focal point in a lot of your artwork, actually. You're really good at drawing them!

The one thing little that I just can't get over, unfortunately, is her arm! xC
..The elbow just strikes me as too tucked in and short, despite the rest of the picture being so nicely drawn and coloured.

Sorry.. It's not something I pointed out to be a jerk; just thought I should bring it up for the sake of constructive criticizm.

(grats on that frontpager, too!)

Moosh responds:

Haha, no, thank you for the crits! XD I'm still learning and it's great to hear from great artists such as yourself ^^

I think... I made her head too big at first so I had to lift the shoulders without making them look too broad which caused a confusion with the proportional arm length...

...either that or it's excuses to hide the fact that I have bad anatomy... ><

Almost perfect.

I choose to give this art a 4/5 and 8/10 because the only thing I felt could be improved was the arm. I don't know if it's a problem with perspective or anatomy, but it seems sort of off. It's okay at a glance, but when I looked at it a second time it sort of leaped out at me.

I'm not an artist myself, so I can't really offer advice on improvement. Sorry for not being more helpful.


Maybe it's not my type of beauty, but she doesn't look to me too womanly to me breasts and up. Mostly breasts, her haircut(I blame the background that makes the haircut smaller than it is) and her neck(but I blame that on that ring on it).
All in all though, all you need to fill the criteria of the title of "my type of artist" is to make women more womanly - in your case, that's more detailed breasts. And no, it's not about the size, but rather, putting as much attention to them as to the face :)
The eyes are lovely. The effect is yummy. Love the shades around her bottom - reminds me of Street fighter IV ^^ The rest is ok but didn't catch my attention, I guess.

Moosh responds:

Haha who doesn't love boobs?

wish i can see more ..... IDK :)

Same old same old

I give 4 because you obviously have talent with a computer, but I really just get sad when I see talent being wasted on anime. I really just cannot wait for this dumb fad to end. God if only I could afford a scanner....or a printing press for that matter. Now I don't want you to get all defensive because you think I'm "hating" or whatever you kids say these days, but I do have formal training and I am aware. As a fair warning someone with your talent if you wish to persue a career in art know this. The anime art style will get you laughed out of a majority of any commercial job interviews you try for. Also if you attempt to go independent, the style has just become a mess of cliches and copycats, thus no matter how well you do it will never stand out I promise you this.

Moosh responds:

I'm not going to "hate" on your opinion but I mean... Anime is just like any kind of art style. Just like American cartoons, comic/superhero etc.

In fact, I believe it is actually more diverse of an art style than those. Look at the original Dragon Ball look, Big-O, Azumanga, Cowboy Bebop, up to the very detailed, realistic look of Deathnote. All of these fall under the category "Anime", yet you can clearly see a difference. This list isn't even close to showing how diverse anime/manga really is.

You're closing your mind to many different looks just because it's characterized as anime.

Unfortunately, the only argument I can see you, or most people have is that it's a "fad" or just popular. I'm not gonna disagree, there are some shit looking anime, but if it wasn't popular, would you have a problem with it? It would just be another art style. What's wrong with it? There are many awesome, stunning art pieces that happen to fall under "anime".

I'm studying art so I could get a job in video games. And there are many games that incorporate this style. Heard of Pokemon? Fire Emblem, Advanced Wars, Guilty Gear, Street Fighter, Trauma Center, Phoenix Wright, Persona series, even Final Fantasy. There's lot's of games that use this style and lots of well known games in fact. And that's just games, you can see Anime on TV, and even it's American-ized versions. There's jobs for animators too.

I'm not saying that you're not entitled to your own opinion. I'm just saying, judge the art for the art, not on its category.