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Reviews for "Incident:1000A"

Not exactly the best animation you've done.

The movements (e.g walking) seemed rushed.
You also missed out on the very little things, like blood splatter on the sword at some points.

It's still brilliant!
3/5 Could be better.

I support madness all the way and I have to say you sir suck then madness if one of my most favorite thing ever


This series is terrible.

This is what happens when someone runs out of ideas.

They can't think of any more good content to make, so they just put a bunch of cast members into a short movie and have them do a few montages.
The thing is, though, it wouldn't be difficult to just make Madness 8.5. Yeah, sure, you can spout all that bullshit about rendering being difficult, animating's tough and whatnot, yeah, I DON'T CARE. It shouldn't take you over a YEAR to animate something like this, and here's two reasons why:

1. The storyline is simple and easy to grab hold of, not too cliche, probably wouldn't be that difficult to write. I mean, most of the series just goes like this: *Hank/Deimos+Sanford/Jebus enter room, murder all people in said room, move on to next room* with a big boss battle somewhere in it or something. It varies, sure, you gotta make it interesting, but honestly, this series isn't about the story, really. It wouldn't be great without the storyline, but it would still be a good, quality thing to watch if you were in the mood for mindless violence.

2. Most people who ENJOY animating just DO IT. Yeah, they complain about it a lot, and it's tedious, and we put up with their bullshit about "Oh, I didn't have time, real life got in the way for the past YEAR AND A HALF." We put up with it because we know what that's like; whether it be homework or professional work or chores or even paying our bills, we like to procrastinate, sometimes even overtime. When you enjoy something, you'll do it all day, but as soon as you see it as work, you'll start to hate it and not want to do it unless you HAVE to.
The problem here is that this isn't procrastination; Krinkels is still animating. What's wrong Krinkels? Are you getting tired of the series or something? If you are, I'm sure a lot of us would be fine with it; after all, you have tons of fans. There's probably at least one or two animators in your fanbase who would do a comparable job carrying on the series in your stead... or at least, an acceptable one. Whatever it is, just SAY SOMETHING!