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Reviews for "Spectromancer: Gathering "

Great game, i've been playing the PC version for a while. Oddly enough, this version is much more difficult. Or at least it seemed so to me.
A must-play for any card collection game lovers.

I had a pretty cool time playing this, I like the play style man.

I love this game! I dint think there would be a game like magic: the gathering on newgrounds!

This game is really fun. Two things I figured out that are basically overpowered game beaters though:
1. The Phoenix' are a pretty easy way to beat anyone in this game it seems. Maybe make them consume fire points when they die?
2. The Chronomancer has probably the cheapest combo in the game. They have the Chrono Engine that gives you another turn but if you skip that turn you get an additional Chrono point. They also have another move that costs 4 Chrono points that skips the opponents ability to lay a card down. If you get two Chrono engines out you'll get three turns in a row, skip the last two turns and each Chrono engine will give you a point per skip. That's 4 points every turn which is interestingly that same amount it costs to basically skip your opponents turn.

1. Use 4 Chrono points to skip opponents turn.
2. Use skip 2nd & 3rd turn to refill Chrono points.
3. repeat until victorious.

Other than that, this game was really great!

This is an awesome game, I love the gameplay and the artworks on the cards! I spend a lot of time playing this, considering it is a browser game. It has somewhat the feel of MagicTG.
The Campaign is too hard though. Especially when you have to fight the guy with 200 HP and swamp cards.