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Reviews for "Thing-Thing Arena Pro"

There's not much I can say about this game, considering the fact that I can't even get past the main menu. I click on "Cryogenic Labs" or whatever, and, after the loading screen, it remains stuck on the objectives screen. No matter how many times I click, it does nothing. I know other people can play it, so I'm not sure if it has something to do with my computer, or if it has to do with Firefox, or something else entirely. I like all of the Thing-Thing games, so it sucks I can't play this one.
The character customization is pretty good. I like the amount of choice it gives. May I suggest adding a hoodie or something? I've always kept the appearance of my character pretty much the same throughout the series: mid-length hair, hoodie, gloves, sneakers. I don't know. Maybe in a future update you could add new stuff.
Like I said, I love all of these games, but that I'm not able to play this one really sucks. Also, from what I saw, there wasn't a quality setting anywhere in the menu, which, if this game is anything like Thing-Thing 4 graphically, could be a problem.
But, yeah, I'm sure it's a great game, but I can't even play it. Alright, man. Keep it up.

It's alright. it'd be downright great if the jumping physics were a bit less awkward and the general camera control a bit less laggy, but still for a flash game its alright. actually the camera control has been the thing that has stopped me from enjoying the entire series. it'd be easier to me and much more fluent to keep the camera centred on the player to keep the aiming fluent. Like project nexus. still, the end result is a pretty enjoyable game. Not nexus after the newer updates but still pretty good.

I'm really disappointed in this game. There isn't a double jump like before, you can't pick up guns, there isn't an option between running and walking... It could have been so much better. There is only the mission option, you can't actually go into arena and shoot people in the face freely anymore. I would rather play any other Thing-Thing game than this... Sorry Weasel, but I was expecting something 100% better than this from the creator of Thing-Thing.

Weasel responds:

I made some different design choices with this game, since I had some time to step away from the standard formula of the previous games.

The double jump had to go. It didn't have good gameplay feel in hindsight and is just a bandaid for bad jumping in a game. You can actually jump higher in this game than in previous games, but you control it with how long you hold the jump button, which gives you a lot better control over the height you jump in any given instance.

Running and walking also seemed like needless control clutter. In previous games you had to hold shift to run, which is what you'd want to be doing 95+% of the time. Instead you just run all of the time now (which is also much faster than in previous games).

Picking up guns was a feature I had a hard time deciding what to do with. In the end, it always seemed to me that after a while most people (myself included) just found the weapon that they liked most and stuck with it. Having limited ammo also seemed like a needless complication weighing down the gameplay; it's not really what the game is about. The game demands quick reactions and knowing the layout of the level, not the ability to count bullets. What with having a fixed choice in loadout, I didn't want to make any one type of ammo more rare than another, or bog the game down with searching out ammo crates in the level and not being able to fight back.

As for a mode like the previous games lacking the objectives and the ability to just keep fighting, maybe something like that is in the works...

One and a half a star off because having to survive in order to complete missions is unfair. I constantly get shot in the final 30 seconds because I forgot to check my health for two seconds, and having 5 missions you completed just be nullified is fucking awful. That is toe-curling stuff right there, and whoever came up with that should be fired. That aside it's pretty great, but this one flaw really ruins a lot.

of course, it is the best thing thing game!!!