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Reviews for "Thing-Thing Arena Pro"

weasel arlengton {from mob of the dead} LOL

why can't they make fucking games that let you do what ever you fucking wan't i mean what the fuck!?

so far so good but how to beat lvl3

Wasn't the thing thing arena that I know and love, but it's still a great game.

when i saw that a new Thing Thing had been produced, i was ecstatic. when i saw that it was another arena game and that it was going in a new direction, i shrugged my shoulders and thought to myself, 'i trust the great and powerful Weasel to create yet another gem.'
i'll be blunt: i didn't like it.
however, i won't just say that it displeased me and leave it at that, because i have to specify why, because there were actually elements of it that i liked.
first, i'll go over the reasons i don't like it.
1. it feels nothing like the familiar and comforting style of Thing Thing game play. this is because it looks and feels like the game is far faster than it has any right to be, where as the previous games were paced in such a way that it was based on twitch reflexes and the abilities of your weapon. i got none of that from this.
2. in the previous games, i felt like i was a match for the hoards of mercs that were sent to kill me. i felt that with plenty of guns and ammo i could hold them off indefinitely as long as i trusted my twitch reflexes and didn't get cocky. in this, i feel like my only option is to run away and hope that i'm not cornered, and it brings back bad memories of games that i would rather forget. it's not just that i seem to be lacking in this area, it's that i feel downright helpless in a mission, and that sucks.
3. it has nothing that it should have as a mission based shooter, and it has many things it shouldn't. for example, the enemy spawning is still the crazy fast spawning from the previous games, it's just that i don't nearly have the firepower necessary to deal with them. by the time I've killed one, five more are on me and i am quickly overwhelmed. as another example, i wandered around the map the entire game desperately trying to find small and often infuriatingly hidden objects in a confusing maze before my small allotment of time ran out. this makes it less fun and more aggravating. if the missions were going to be object based, i would expect objective markers or even a minimap to be included, but instead i got a huge list of complex objectives that make me feel like i'm playing the puzzle game Morning star rather than a successor to the Thing Thing line. don't get me wrong, i love the occasional puzzle game, its just that elements of such a game do not fit with a run and gun that is advertised to be the next Thing Thing arena.
4. this game is not part of the Thing Thing arena series. i know it was made by weasel (who made the games, i know) but none of the Thing Thing arena game elements are there. there isn't any survival mode and your survival is not based on your reflexes and weapon choice, rather it is based on how fast you can run away, and that's not fun.
5. it feels like the level in Thing Thing 3 where you have to find the key card, except that now there's a billion and one of them and you have to find all of them AND get the kills with inferior weapons over and over again. needles to say, i hated that level.
6. infinite ammo. INFINITE. AMMO. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? that was one of the things that i truly loved about the series; your guns had finite ammunition and if you weren't careful you would run out, which made the game that much more challenging.
7. there weren't any morbid jokes. I've come to expect morbid humor from Thing Thing, and i was disappointed when i didn't get it. makes it feel empty, somehow...
8. in the previous games, my goal has always been to find the weapon combination that is the most efficient at disposing of my enemies. in this game, i can't seem to find one.

now that I've insulted it, i can say what i liked about it.
1. the character design screen, while a little stiff and glitchy, was a nice addition to the game, with costumes and hair that hearken back to Thing Thing 1, like the hedgehog hair. i got a kick out of seeing that again.
2. i like the weapons designs. the weapons themselves suck, but i like their designs.

and that's pretty much it.

...umm... why are all of the enemies blue? how does that make sense?

and also, i expected gore splattering, gun slinging awesome. i got this instead, and i am NOT HAPPY.