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Reviews for "Shooting in the Dark"

This would have at least been coherent if it were a movie. As it is, it turns in on itself and is lost in a mess of unclear correlations and contradictions. "You always had a choice," it says, but you never once actually do. You can't go to school the first day. You can't walk away from the obvious, obvious bully. You can't turn to your parents in the hope of finding help on the second day after the school bullying incident. You can't just go to sleep, ever. You can't try to stay home and play games all day. You can't go to the park on day 2. All of these are things that you can click, that look like things you ought to be able to do. And it would be much more impacting if you could do those things but they never made anything better and often made it worse. You even regain your "health" at the beginning of the third day, for no clear reason. And that's if we can consider it a gain, because the colors aren't really good for conveying a sense of progression from happy to murderous.

And then! And then, the key mysteriously appears in the bathroom. And you can return up the stairs, to a locked room. Which is locked, so you can't get in. If only you had a key!

But I have found the Good Ending! All you have to do is run away when dad is about to do the Shun Goku Satsu on you, by pressing the Skip Dialog key, and you will unlock your hidden psychic powers, allowing you to keep him at bay indefinitely. Your control over your environment is so precise that if you are a masochist you can even permit him to strike you repeatedly before you vanish into your room for the evening! And when you do, you will be freed from your worldly constraints, symbolized by your clothes being spontaneously jettisoned from your body, and perform a jaunty, jazzy victory dance, for the rest of eternity. Congratulations, you have now ascended to a perfect state, the master of groove, prayed to by musicians, listeners, and celebrants the world over.

The lesson here is clear: If you have a violent upbringing, it is your duty and your destiny to become a god.

The game concept looks nice... but it has a lot of bugs. I can't go to school, the game repits itself and doesn't go to an end for that reason... :(

Bugs out the ass, fix or blam

seriously, this game sucks. everybody else is just saying its buggy because they are idiots who dont know what to do, but i really had a bug on my play through. i woke up with a red meter, went into the bathroom and found a key. next thing i know, im happy again, and i have to go through the whole entire game again. waste of time

It's so glitchy I can't even finish it. If I click too quickly, the mood meter just resets to full. Even if I have the key, when that happens I have to play ALL THREE DAYS again. Due to the slow-paced nature of the game, this is highly annoying.

I couldn't even finish it due to glitches. I'm sorry, man. :/ It had a lot of potential though, hopefully you'll revisit this in the future and remake it.
(I'd have liked it if you did have actual choice. Like you go to school, the bully hits you. You go home, your dad hits you . That's a more realistic situation, and your whole point about "choosing" what you do wouldn't have been ruined. You'd have to go on a shooting spree either way...)

So yeah:
Needlessly limited choices (what I suggested would make realistic sense and still limit choice)
Slow paced; no way to skip default walking animations.