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Reviews for " Home Instruction preview"

Tits. Just tits.

Ok, the story was okay. and the animations were fluid

But seriously, all there was is just some pissed offed girl who says "fuck fuck fuck fuck"

One second its shit then fuck then shit and so on and so forth. plus the poor sound quality was way to dissapointing for me to even hear what anyone was trying to say. I even found some slight rasism in here

If you want some good reviews, then you better Up your game, or stop making this altogether. Hell make some lebien porno if your going to make women have unaturaly huge breasts because this shit just doesnt work. I'm going to watch some Clock Fruit animations to wash this bad taste of sound out of my mouth

dukehca responds:

she supposed to be a bitch which is why its good to see what she gets in the end. why doesn't anyone see this? lol

its was ok but the sound quality is not up to par

DAFUQ did I just watch?!

Okay, the animation was acceptable, I have seen worse stuff being frontpaged.

Everything else however was... well, just plain bad.
The voice acting was horrible in both quality and talent of the voice actors. I dont know what you used to record it, but bring it back to the store and try to get your money back, because I can get a better audio recording with my low cost gaming headset.

The writing was equally mediocre. I have no idea how this is supposed to be fun or even entertaining. Im still trying to find out if the way the black dude was depicted is supposed to be racist or just an extremely poor attempt at irony. The other jokes dont work out either. Random swearing can be fun, but in this case it just seems senseless. Same thing goes for the approach on "edgy" topics such as youth alcoholism and the problems of divorced families.
Again, I could imagine some good satire or black comedy around those subjects, but this was just plain weak.

I am really sorry for saying that, especially because I think you have some talent you can build upon as an animator, but the whole thing feels like it was written by an uncreative ten year old.

Maybe, just maybe, if you worked on your artstyle and got some good script, you could unleash quite some potential. What I have just witnessed, however, was nothing but unbelievably sad.

Nothing I'd watch more than once.