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Reviews for "Castle Guard 2"

Total disaster. No unit balance and upgrades are simply plain. At first level just spammed archers. Played about 3 rounds and got totally bored without challenging opponent.

No stars for overrated game... Still wonder how they make them overrated despite so many bad reviews...

8 games' games are just...bad. Is the same BAD thing with different sprites all the time (tanks, horses, zombies...). Serisously, stop posting them in "most popular games" they aren't popular, they aren't anything good.

I swear all I need to see is the site intro to know I'm in for a rather sad excuse for a game... Are you seriously just making a ton of ghost accounts to upvote this stuff?

Can we get a ban for thegames8 and all his other accounts? The stuff this guy produces is all blatant spam. There is no value to this site. He is just using newsgrounds' awesome amount of traffic to generate revenue for himself.

Wow. If you want to make a crappy game, at least don't make the title screen make it look like a game worth playing. I played this game for about two minutes and could literally go no further, I had spawned a bunch of archers at a tower, then I had upgraded all towers to ice, so no enemies could get through to kill the archers, which would be awesome, if there wasn't a limit to the number of soldiers you can have on the field at a time. The only way I could progress is if I downgraded both towers and let my archers die, then spawned a bunch of moving soldiers.
On an different note, it's fine by me if the game doesn't stop when I try to upgrade a tower or send out soldiers, but if that's the case, then don't make the upgrade menu take up the entire screen! To begin with, the upgrade menu shouldn't take up the whole screen, no matter what, because even if the game pauses, I still need to see what's going on to decide what tower upgrade to get, what soldier to put out, etc.
Lastly, the fact that this game didn't pause when the gamer was trying to upgrade should have been told to us in the very beginning, I figured it out when I spawned a trio of swordsmen, only to discover that my tower was half dead.
It honestly astounds me that this sorry excuse for a game even made past the under judgement section to begin with.