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Reviews for "Moleman"


a nice one...

kinda funny...

ok kinda funny but didnt wanna start watching some chat.... started to get boring after 5 seconds so sorry about that.. but thaught the char was kinda funny.....

boring....but funny

i accually dont like it that much

i havn't seen it yet..

but this is taking forever i have DSL and it's taking hella long still.think of the people with 56k for fuck sake!

(thats not my real rating up there cuz i got like...yeah i never seen it yet)

Matt-J-Turner responds:

I'm on a 28.8k connection, because I live in a remote part of rural England which didnt have electricty till about 20 years ago. I often think about the 56k people and wish I was one of them. Anyway, Newgrounds is popular and its servers are often under alot of strain so its not your connection its newgrounds, if that makes any sense. This movie has the smallest file size in the top 50, 124kb isnt really much to download, you shouldnt even notice it on your DSL so just try again someother time. Hope you enjoy it.

It Was Disturbing,. . . . Very Disturbing

It Was Disturbing,. . . . Very Disturbing.

Matt-J-Turner responds:

"It Was Disturbing,. . . .Very Disturbing" Who the fuck do you think you are, Russel Crow? What with your 'dramatic pauses'? Fucking hell, and your profile "you got a problem with me, you got a problem with the mafia" stop trying to be some one your not! Thats the worst review I've had out of hundreds, so maybe its you who is disturbing?