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Reviews for "Give Up"

This is a fun game!

This game is so fun! When playing the game, I remembered this quote. "The key is to not give up!"

But on Level 25, I gave up. It's too hard, but I've learned a lesson. It's OK.

Wait. It's OK to give up on some things, but not on other things.

Otherwise, this is one of the best flash games of 2013!

The levels get too difficult to progress through at too early a stage. At 40% completion, it's at the difficulty that should be reserved for 80%, 60% at best. By making the game this hard, you discourage the gamer from playing til the very end. Don't forget, the whole public doesn't belong to the 'pro's' category.

The lagg makes the game impossible.... but when it DOESN'T LAGG the game is pretty cool. Add a medal system and you're good to go.

First comment! This is a great flash.