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Reviews for "Epic Battle Fantasy 4"

I LOVE THIS GAME.thumbs up if you played all of thease

1. Flow. This regards both the UI and level design. All you're equipped with is a map, and other than that, you have to scrutinize every map section. Also, you can't even tell that well if the adjacent map section is accessible, both due to poor visual flow or from level design. Some adjacent areas only have a 1-block spacing to connect them. For a lot of the game, I was just wandering around in circles, trying to figure out where the hell I was supposed to proceed.
2. Carbon copy sequel. This game offers nothing innovative to make it stand as its own. In fact, a majority of the assets were just copied directly from the other game. The battle mechanics, enemies, spells, and animations are EXACTLY the same. The Bloons TD series showcases what this game utterly failed to do which is find the game's flaws, remedy them, and implement more dynamics to the game.
3. Buggy. After 3 iterations, bugs shouldn't be an issue but I still ran into quite a bit of bugs.
4. Not user-friendly. A big example is that looking at your quest missions doesn't even tell you where the respective NPC is located.

--The game just wasn't fun for me this time. The upgrade curve didn't feel rewarding. Design principle of having lesser spells is completely obsolete (why upgrade the first lightning spell when I could get a stronger lightning spell and upgrade that? MP hardly matters). Playing the game was a task void of enjoyment. The game needs much polishing.

Like the previous Epic Battle Fantasy games, this game shall recieve THE HIGHEST OF FIVES!
I love these games, they may not be high end graphic games with the most intelligent story ever made but they are pure awesomeness and all the little things throughout the game just makes me giggle like a 9 year old girl!
I'm looking forward to see Epic Battle Fantasy 5 in the near future!

(Spelling sucks balls, deal with it)


Should I be reviewing this for a medal? Epic!!!

Finally beat Godcat and the virus boss after a good amount of time on epic, and i realized i wasn't even logged into newgrounds. rageragerage.

Anyway, I decided to experiment a bit. I used a bit of hacking on a different site and discovered Godcat has no death animation. The game would just freeze if one of the Godcats died. Thought this was a bit funny, as after beating the virus boss, Lance thinks the universe is just a program. By killing Godcat, the universe is also broken (symbolized by the "program" freezing.) Then i started thinking about it, and I realized that you created the program. So you're in turn Godcat. But you're also Matt. So it's like Matt-ception.

I have no idea if I'm just thinking way to much about this whole thing, but yeah, just a couple things i realized as i was playing. So yeah. Overall great game, loved it, can't wait for a sequel.