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Reviews for "Epic Battle Fantasy 4"

Some how games with "Epic" in the title actually makes it epic

As great as this game is, there is some room for improvement. Two things that really stuck out were the limited tactics options, I feel that it should have more than just things that are misc options, I would like to see some attacks that aren't the usual type, possibly things like flanking and attacks that require more than one character to perform. The other thing that really stood out were the enemy's debuffs, which only two things could be done about: cleanse (which just doesn't seem right to be only used on one character) and cancellation with buffs; It also seemed slightly unfair that every other enemy attack came with a debuff but almost none of the player attacks debuffed the enemy. One little thing that really got on my nerves sometimes was how you would see an entire region with some element theme, only to find your attacks used in that region rarely used again. The only other problem I had was that some characters wouldn't have any attacks of a specific element (Namely how if you wanted a water attack, it had to be a special unless you used aqua arrow with Anna). Other than those little details that were annoying at times, you have a pretty good game.

I I just found out i lost all my data i invested about 4 hours into this epic game :( ill never get to the end now because i dont wanna restart

Amazing game.

I just beat Godcat on epic! (didn't try any other difficulty) It's easily one of the hardest, if not THE hardest, boss in any RPG.

Another amazing game, You can tell how much effort was put into this. I thought EBF3 was perfect but this game improved on it.