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Reviews for "Cathode Raybots"

Great game, very creative premise. Animation is top notch and well polished. The Raybot Editor is really what makes this game so cool, allowing the NG community to make their own boss fights. The various weapon options are well balanced for the most part, the mines are underpowered, and that vertical raybeam is overpowered. I really enjoy browsing the user creations, seeing what people have made and testing their routines... that is until total douches like epyk ruin the idea of the boss creator by posting like 10 pages in a row of penis(pl. peni?) and swatzikas. Wow. To all people that post penises and or swatzikas and think that it is cool or funny(or whatever attention seeking motives), what do you think that says about yourself to the world? Think about it. Not too hard because you will probably start thinking about more penis. I digress... so to Tom Fulp and Johnny Utah, it's stuff like this that make Newgrounds the gem that it is, you too Rice Pirate. I'm a big fan of a lot of the work you guys do. Please keep kickin ass.

Awesome game!
I enjoy the new concept of being able to create your own bosses for a platform shooter

I can't close my loop! D': The space bar it does NOTHING! >.<

Fucking awesome i remember seeing this and reviewing it on the art portaL! 5/5 just awesome!

Fantastic game! Though I guess it needs a search bar, where you can find bosses searching by tags related to their name.