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Reviews for "Inner Vision"

Very unique :) I love it and would really like a sequel with more complex characters to talk to that take more than just being a nice guy.


I remember when i was at the point of suicice,i was 10, yes... 10, my parents pushed me with training 6 times a week 3 hours, and especially mom pushed me in school, it was too mouch for me at that age, every day i came into my house, locked the door beside me, and look at the kitchen knife hanging in the opposite side of the hallway, it seemed so tempting, like it was calling me to do it, but i tought that i should wait with it at least untill ive had sex (yes i actually tought that) and ignored it, after some time a met a cute new girl in class and we got together, i was so happy and dropped the whole suicide thing altogether. it felt so nice to feel that i did all that training and homework for someone then myself, we broke up 2 years later, but that didnt actually weigh me down at all. i just kept being happy... and i still am :)

LinusPrime responds:

I'm happy to hear you're doing better. Thanks for sharing your story.

I REALLY liked the concept of this game. It has a positive message and goal...for people to be more empathic and understanding. I've had problems with depression off and on for most of my life, and there have been many times where I've been suicidal. Most people have absolutely NO idea of what depression is like. It's not something you can just "snap out" of, and the idiotic things people say like "Just think positive" or "Stop feeling sorry for yourself" does not work. Depression is completely paralyzing. It's hard to just get out of bed, and you feel completely hopeless. You will never understand what depression feels like until you have experienced it yourself. Someone who is depressed CAN'T just will themselves out of it. They need help. They need someone to talk to...and not necessarily to give them advice. Just someone who will listen and validate their feelings. That's why saying things like "Stop feeling sorry for yourself" or "You're just trying to get attention" are the absolute WORST things to say to someone who is depressed. That will drive them to suicide.

What is good about this game is that it shows that if you're talking to someone who is depressed and suicidal, the best thing to say to them isn't always the simplest. You need to show them that you understand how bad they're feeling, and it's not their fault. You have to try to give them hope. Just saying "Cheer up" or "Don't give up" isn't enough.

The only problem I have with the game is that it's WAY too easy to talk the characters out of suicide. A suicidal person feels completely hopeless, they might be agitated or even having a panic attack, and they can't think rationally (I know this because I've been suicidal many times). And they've heard it all, so a simple little pep talk isn't going to help. Also, other people have probably hurt them before by talking down to them and not taking them seriously. So you have to earn their trust first. You should incorporate this into your game somehow, maybe with the characters being wary and not trusting you at first (like saying things like "You're just going to be like everyone else and not listen to me, or tell me to get over it" etc.) Also maybe have more choices for what to say to the people.

The other important thing is that simply talking a person out of suicide will NOT "cure" them. You may have saved their life that day, but a simple pep talk isn't going to help someone with depression. They need treatment with counseling and sometimes medication. So maybe you could expand the game a little bit so that there are other choices for things you can say to the characters even after you talk them out of suicide.

I would like to see some kind of scoring system maybe...like you get points for better and more empathic responses that you say to the characters.

The only reason why I'm giving you 4 stars instead of 5 is because it was WAY too easy to talk the characters out of suicide. The only character that was a little bit more realistic was the last one.

But otherwise, please keep working on this! The concept is great, and it has an important goal and message. I would just like to see more features, like a scoring system based on what you say to the characters. Good, empathic responses earn you points...but sarcastic, simplistic answers (like telling them to "just deal with it") deduct points. Sadly, most people tend to be very selfish and think that they should just tell people with depression to "Snap out of it" or "Move on." So your game could be educational...teaching people how to pull their head out of their a$$ and actually learn how to talk to each other like caring human beings.

Keep up the good work!

LinusPrime responds:

Thanks for the awesome feedback!
