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Reviews for "_-={The Woman's Roar}=-_"

Another Great

Another Great peice of work, Maestro. But! I must say that, out of all of these songs, this one is my least favorite. Not just because that you cut it, its just that at 00:25 - 00:36 the vocals notes were kind of off and it just made that time frame a little tense to listen to. Good work though *shiver* this is the first 4/5 I'm giving you. :(

MaestroRage responds:

thank you Stealth. I am glad you enjoyed it. To be honest, I read the review directly above your's first, and it put me in a kind of... neutral mood. However, I am glad you found it entertaining. As you mentioned, that section clashes, but not because of the singer, that is entirely my fault.

I'm glad to see your honesty, I hope to keep getting your 5's in the future ^^.


You really have a knack for this style of music, the strong mid-centuary style. Vast range of instrumental backgrounds and a very nice vibe to it.

Love your work.

MaestroRage responds:

Thanks, I design too many fantasy stories in my own spare time so that is probably what gives everything that mid-century flavour! Thanks again for the review and support.

this is more like a woman's hum

i truly love this song but the title is a tad off you see, when a woman roars all you remember is a BAM then wakeing up with a black eye, bloody nose, and teeth marks. like i said before great song but not so good title. for that i give you one point from 10

Can't wait to hear the full version.

Very haunting, yet a bit bland.

You. Give me those pads. I will find you and kill you if you don't.

Really. I can do that. I can have the Air Force hunt you down. Because we're that awesome.

But on an unrelated note, I see that the last review that was left to you was quite blunt, and I must say a few things- for example, music theory classes? If everyone went to classes, where would the innovation be?

It's also a good thing that you're broadening your horizons, which is why I wouldn't compare your old work and your new. Though I must say I like the direction you are going, and you can do nothing but go up from here.

While I liked the song, it seemed a bit short. Short, however, we can deal with, especially since you say it's not finished. Also, I thought that your vocalist was professional. She was amazing, to say the least. Send her my regards, and send me her number. :D

And the violin solo, while not especially the greatest thing, when her voice was added to that, that was a beautiful effect.

Finally, all I have to say is... Damn, that was worth a McGreatBurger. Check out A8-Departure and see what you think of it. (And if you can possibly tell me what the melody is from... I simply cannot remember for the life of me and it's stuck in my head.)

Certainly Not

MaestroRage responds:

you'd waste the governments money to crush me like a bug?!



Pad wise, I don't actually have a pad, I just layer stuff. Like Onions... you know onions, small white things, tears like mustard gas? Yeah... good stuff.

I knew the violin wasn't that great, it was there PURELY to amplify the voice. I was tired to trying to fuse her voice with the song, so I decided to highlight the voice, rather then compete with it on other samples!

Anyways, i'm munching on your McGreatBurger (I love burgers... hmmm...). I'll check out your song right aways!

Thanks for the review Not Solus@!

The Woman's roar indeed

This song absolutely sucked really really bad
I'm guessing that this is MaestroSorrow's second account so I just want to say that ALL your songs back then were a million times better.
I cant stress enough how much worse you have gotten. You don't do any justice to the Classical genre...
The song was better off w/o the singer btw. Everyone is just like WOW he has a real singer, this is amazing! Wrong, I could've found a better singer fuck dude.
I never really liked your samples, your style seems to be similar to all the other so called classical artists. Short boring string passages followed by loud, random, spurts or brass and the obsessively overused percussion in general.
You literally shot this song in the face and took a nasty dump on it.
It also appears that you know VERY little about instrumentation as well. In this case, does the timpani player have a whole chromatic set surrounding him when he plays? Or did you just not think that far? I can also guess that you don't play any instruments. I, who has performed on over 8 instruments and has a strong knowledge of music theory, have a better chance of making a song than you...
And you are a musician/artist?
Violin solo OMG! wow!! it was so retarded
not even worth being a solo in the first place...
Thats another thing about newgrounds, everyone apologizes for being intricate and mention every flaw for people who have big names like you (undeservingly)
All in All, this was made without any flare of the soul, no emotions at all, just illusions. These 8 year olds don't know anything about theoretical aspects of music that make it what it is... Your description for these songs are all EMO crap with no meanings at ALL. I mean seriously man!
"The untold struggle stories of women in days of old and new." I didn't see any of that. That's just bullshit for these kids to talk about and pretend to sound sophisticated. They don't know what theyre listening to

I really implore you to take composition courses of some sort if you intend to continue this. I don't know you... but this piece of crap is enough to hate you for because you took everything that I love about music and wiped your ass all over it. You could atleast start taking music theory classes and start making sense in your songs, because apparently you have no idea what you're doing. It's the same ol' guess and check process of making 'music' that all these other half-assed 'composers' are shitting out.

DO NOT just overlook this review, if you do then you're just a coward.
PLEASE respond to this review and don't just be like

"non nono no you're wrong cuz i know u R! lolz! fagz"

I'm intensely curious as to see if you agree about what I have said and if you agree because no matter how mean I sounded,

I spoke no lies.

MaestroRage responds:

I'm not going to cower, I do not believe in aggresively responding to any review, even should that review, quite frankly, was quite aggressive in nature towards me.

First off, I would like you to reconsider how you say things. ALL of these songs, are formed by images and stories that I form in my own head. Wether you see these images or not, wether you feel what I am feeling or not, is entirely subjective. If your profile is true in any way, then I must commend you. 8 instruments? In truth, I strive to be of somebody of your power, but know that I do NOT plan to attempt to attack somebody in this way. I have this to say though, please, in future reviews, should you choose to do so, do not be so aggressive. You're review, should you have given it to me say 6 months ago, would have turned me away from making music entirely.

I am insanely interested in one thing that you stated though.

"ALL your songs back then were a million times better"

I ask that you pm me, and explain this in more details, because frankly... I could not agree with you more. However, my one fear has taken hold. I HAVE taken some guidance from others that have greater skill then me, guidance, that has frankly reformed me into styles that I never planned to stray to. You may be right, I may be a shame to all things classical. However no matter how deep a shame I am, I feel that my music can still touch a few people, and if I can do that, then frankly I could not care less of what people like you may say.

However, I did take one offense to this review. You would insult the singer?

That singer is 15 years old! She is an aspiring opera singer, she is dedicated to her art, and she has more talent in her voice then my meager composing skills has allowed to demonstrate, therefore, I would throw that back at you, even should some world famous opera singer offer their services to me I would not take it. Like me, she is an aspiring artist, and I would build up with her, then get dragged up by somebody famous. I believe I speak for most NG composers on NG, when I say We are here, because we want to be! I, like everybody else, is here in vague hopes of sharing a shred of themselves with others, so that they may grow, and expand.

I would "implore" you to tell me that at some point you were not like us!

But I digress.

Music Theory? For two reasons I will not take music theory.

1) My parents do not even know I make music, even now I hide this window whenever they come by, should they know, they would get out of their way to remove this interest of mine, so that I may become their wonder angel and become the next best doctor.

2) Incidentally I do not have the money or the ability to sneak out into lessons. Everything you hear, that you "hate" or at the least "tolerate" is self taught.

Do not say "If you had real passion, you'd go against them!" I despise this saying more then anything. It is BECAUSE I have such a love that I continue clicking in a dark corner in my room, in constant fear of being found out.

I have been doing this only for a year and 2 months. I have come a very long way, and thankfully I have enough confidence not to let your words destroy my hopes of one day ascending to a level where I may help others in refining their art.

I must cut this response short, I had much more to say, unfortunately I could not say them here. However, I thank you for your words, no matter how brutal they were intended to be, they did give me a chance to take a few steps back, and wonder where exactly I am headed towards.