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Reviews for "Red Rogue"

I really love this game, but was super confused when i died. I ended up back at the beginning of the game with nothing, after playing for nearly an hour and building up some pretty cool gear. I think the game needs a little more instruction Great game though, I think you could make some money by turning this in to an OUYA game. If you don't know what that is i insist you look into it, i think it could work out for you.

this is to flamewolf down there on the below comment thread this game is not hard challenging at some points but not hard take advice an go to the overworld u might find an auto leveler or a leech gun...possibly. an this is for st33d whats going on with the underworld? is it just novelty or do i need a special item when i make my journey down there? explain please.. 4.5 b/c its great yes but it gets boring after awhile...

Awesome game!

I made it to the Balrog mode but then the bugs started:
1) After dressing the balrog face my savegame was deleted
2) After praying at an altar "Rng brings chaos" I entered the freshly opened portal to overworld. There was a portal to the overworld as well. Since I entered this one nothing works anymore :D

I've never played a roguelike game before. I didn't even know the word until I googled it. This game is so damn addicting. I've died so many times and have yet to win but whether it's purely the game or the stubborn streak in me, I've come back over and over. I really want to find out what happens. It's simple yet hard. The part that has stood out to me the most is when you sleep in the chaos levels ... that's pretty freaky. I love it!

God that was such an amazing game i played so many hours in this it was unreal.

I loved piecing together the story from Rogue's dreams and the messages on the wall, I remember when I first started playing I found @ to be a hindrance more than anything but as I got more absorbed into the story I found myself getting more attached to him and Rogue.

The depth of the game was also incredible, I loved all the little secrets in the game like how the undead runes work and what I'm gonna call the "storage area" (don't want to spoil this secret for anyone who reads this).

The combat is also fantastic, it seems very simple and repetitive at first but it becomes very strategic when you get into the game (ladders are Op'd)

Finally I have to say how I first beat the game was kinda funny, I had set up a portal to the overworld at the first chaos dungeon and was farming items for a serious attempt to kill the Balrog, so having died and coming back to the start of the dungeon I did the first few area's as normal to get a bit of exp and then went back to the overwold and then back down into chao, immediatly see writing on the wall and well the following happened:
"your fury takes form"
pause for a few seconds
"Balrog was slain by horror"
This happened after about 50 or so try's at killing the basterd, I was both pissed off and absolutely delighted.

It really is a shame that a lot of people who play this game more than likely wont have the patients to get really into as the game does start very slow when you first start