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Reviews for "Delura EP 004.02"

I have one critisisem that I would like to mention. The voice actor for Aiden, all props to them for being clear and conveying emotion pretty well but it was not clear until Aiden's name and gender were stated that "she" was in fact a "he." As I said, all respect to the voice actor but they sound like a girl, and a young one at that, now I realize that could be because they are a girl (I don't actually know for certain), but the high pitch makes Aiden sound like a young female or a very young boy, so much that I thought he was a girl right up till his gender was established as "he."

Otherwise I'm loving it, story is solid plus I love science fiction, characters are interesting so far. Keep it up :)

I really like this series. I still need to see episode 1.

nice setting and use, or lack of bedside manners for the doctor. Reminds me of the EMH in StarTrek: Voyager in its first season. so rigid, so cold and by the book, all protocol and nothing else matters even if the doc unintentionnaly injures the patient.

the more i watch of this serie, the less i feel its like ReBoot ;P its beginning to have its own identity now. i've seen many reviews saying it reminds people of ReBoot, have to admit there is some truth to that BUT, i've watched ReBoot from episode one to season 4 two part movie length episodes and i have to revoke the idea of you styling off of that show.

Your techniques may be similar to an extent but the story telling and environmental feel is very very different and in no way so far have you had any quirky episode filled with gags to change the mood of the season for a moment or throw in a few gags in an episode to releave some of the tension before the "win" scene, or even have clear enemies to fight on a episode by episode basis.

nope! none of it!! not at all!!!

your a very talented author and you deserve credit on your own terms. You've put a lot of effort and time into making this really beautiful work that has such depth and sensitivities and a bunch of in-between characters communication issues with a touch of modern, if not futuristic feel to it.

with a bit of luck and some more of your creative ingenuity, i'm sure you'll make a name for yourself in a matter of time.

i sorta hate myself for saying this but damn i can't deny it, your work, even if limited for now, is friggin BETTER than ReBoot!!!


Tanadrine-Studios responds:

I wouldn't say better, just different, and for a different audience, though I do understand why people would make the comparison between this and Starfox/reboot/beast wars/etc. I liked those shows too growing up... in fact I was obsessed with 3d stuff back in the day. The now-crappy 3d animations of the "Johnny Quest" animated series fascinated me in ways you wouldn't believe. Delura is definitely a series not aimed at children or teens, which sets it apart in that aspect. The visual style starts to change noticeably starting with Episode 5.

Thanks so much for your detailed commentary, I really enjoy hearing about what people like best out of our work in addition to advice and constructive criticism. It helps me out a lot more than what most people probably think!

"In yo face bitches!" haha! I bet many people get that! A lot of little things like that, and "insanity is probably", details of just some weird quirks really makes things memorable.

The voice acting has really made improvements, best one in the series so far. Love the comedy, the plot, the design of it all, you've really created your own little world. I give this any less than a 5/5, 10/10.

Shoot, I ought to dock points, just to say nothing is perfect, but I like this, imo, and my opinion is an opinionated thing that opinionates that this should get a five, dammit.

Tanadrine-Studios responds:

Oh, so I'm sure you saw that Karnagie in EP 003 has bunny slippers on the bottom shelf behind him, or the tiny log cabin in the neighboring shelf :)

Really good. The style reminds me of Reboot. The voices were good, and I really liked how you rendered the paper.

Tanadrine-Studios responds:

Paper is so awesome!