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Reviews for "Nyan Cat - Genre Hopping"

I haven't seen creativeness like this for a while. You really made something out of this, and I enjoyed watching this throughout. Personally, my favourite part was with the beer. The animation in the walking was great.

WoodTick responds:

Thanks! That walk cycle is based on a Svën Höek walk from Ren & Stimpy. I changed a lot of things, but the basic movement is the same.

Nice,but could you tell me if I could get the song for the Mario one?Also, did you use W101 music in the final one with the U.F.O.?Oh,and FIRST REVIEW!

WoodTick responds:

I just uploaded the entire soundtrack to the audio portal, so it should appear there soon. And the music for the UFO segment is the theme from The Day the Earth Stood Still, which I had to build from scratch in Logic Pro. Really, I've just been looking for an excuse to use a theremin in a piece of music for years now.

lol Monty Python

I thought some of the ideas were just briliant! Especially the one where Nyan Cat is waiting on the phone. Also, do I spy a Monty Python reference in there? I also liked the ska version of it, reminded me of Reel Big Fish.

WoodTick responds:

Many thanks! It really did end up sounding like Reel Big Fish, although visually, I was going for more of a Mighty Mighty Bosstones look. Wait. Is there a difference?

Good job, that was really cool!